Mr. Cold | Chapter 11

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Everyone was shocked as I just hid my smile. 'What's with all his action tho?' I thought, and I felt a liquid dripped on my shoulder. 'Fck! He's crying!' I thought.

"Never seen Todoroki act like this..." Sero whispered to Kirishima. "Hey, Todoroki..." I said, and he hugged me tighter. It wasn't fast. He looks like he doesn't want to let go of me.

'What is he doing while I was gone?' I thought again and patted his back. I looked at the others, and they looked at each other. "Todoroki, how about we talk later? We still have class..." He nod and all of us walked to our seats. Todoroki stares at his desk while I look at him.

He looked at me as I removed my bracelet. He was confused as I pulled out my hand, asking for his wrist. He pulled out his arm, and I put my bracelet at his wrist.

"Wear that, and you won't be sad," I said and smiled at him. He stared at the bracelet as Dad entered the classroom. All of us sat quietly, and the lesson started.

[ Time Skip: Lunch ]

I fixed my things, and I saw Todoroki left the classroom. His desk was messy as I was hesitating to clean it up or not. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it was Yaoyorozu.

"You should go with him first. He was feeling so down since you were absent. Make him laugh this time." She said as we both smiled at each other. I left the classroom and tried to find Todoroki when I heard a glass broke in a hallway.

I quickly ran where the sound came from, and there I saw Mawata and Todoroki. Todoroki is on the floor, helpless. He was sad, and I quickly ran to them.

"Mawata! Stop this right now! You're hurting him!" I shouted at her and helped Todoroki. "Oh, so you're back, thought you were dead. I was having fun killing him slowly while his PROTECTOR is absent." She said as I felt so bad.

"Mawata, this is the last time I'm telling you to leave Todoroki alone," I said with a cold and angry tone. This time I'm furious. "Why? What will you do about it, huh?" She said as I gave her a death glare.

"Or I'll tell the principal." I said, and she scoffed, "As if they would believe you. You have no evidence." She said as I pointed at the CCTV.

She was silent, and I walked away with Todoroki, we arrived at the Nurse Office, but Recovery Girl was in the cafeteria having lunch. I helped Todoroki sit at the bed and start to use a healing Quirk that I copied.

"You wanna tell me something, Todoroki?" I asked him, and he just looked away, I sighed under my breath, and I finished healing him. "Look, your sister told me that you wanted to ask me if I can meet your brother Natsuo for me to comfort him. I would love to, but I might be sticking with comforting you for now." I ruffled his hair and wiped off a tear that streamed down his face.

"Let's eat?" I asked him as he was still staring at his hands, I was about to stand up, but he stood up and hugged me. He sobbed as I patted his back. "I'm sorry, Y/n, I didn't mean to involve you in Me and Mawata's fight." He said as I grabbed him by his cheeks softly and made him look at me straight in the eyes, but he's avoiding it.

"It's ok, Todoroki. You didn't mean it, hm?" I said, and tears streamed down his face non-stop. He went closer to my face and attached our forehead, "Thank you for everything Y/n, I couldn't do anything but to let you suffer from making me smile." He is closing his eyes, "I'm sorry for making you sad... Now please let me make you smile." He said as he grabbed my hands and attached them with his lips.

"If you wanna make me happy, then guess what makes me happy. It's straightforward." I said, and he started to guess with a cute face. I giggled, and he looked like he had an idea. He let go of me, and he smiled cutely. I chuckled, and he also laughed.

"That's the peppermint I've been looking for," I said, and we walked to the cafeteria. Then someone approached us, and it was Mawata with her group of friends. "Oh looks, she's here. The girl who stole my man!" She said that caught everyone's attention.

The teachers are also here watching. I just crossed my arms and made a small smirked. "You know Mawata Fuwa, and you're better without your friends," I said, and she got irritated.

{ End Of Y/n's Point Of View }

Y/n just looked at her when Mawata was about to slap her, but Shoto grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me, Shoto!" She shouted as Y/n stopped Shoto. "Let her be Todoroki so that the students can see her demonic side. Oh wait, she's already a demon," Y/n said as Mawata shrugged off her wrist out of Shoto. She took the chance to slap Y/n. After she hit Y/n, she saw Shinso and Mr. Aizawa signing her to fight back.

She smirked and grabbed Mawata's hair, "Once you mess up with me, I'll make your life a living hell." She said as Mawata got scared because of Y/n's cold, angry, and demonic voice. "Make me feel hell then." Mawata said, "Sure thing, honey."

Y/n kicked her by her ankle, and she fell to the floor, "Weak." Y/n said as a tear fell at Mawata's eyes, Y/n held her head and healed her. "Sorry about the kick. I just wanted you to change." Y/n said while glaring down at Mawata.

"You think I don't know your weakness?" Mawata said as Y/n looked at her, "What? Calling my Dad?" Y/n said.


Mr. Cold | End of Chapter 11

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