Sleepily yawning, you took a deep breath and perked up at the intoxicating scent flooding your sensory. Curiously you nudged your face into the warm sturdiness, taking another deep breath and sighed in contentment as the same intoxicating scent flooded your nostrils.


Feeling the gentle hum of warm breath near your ear, you sprang up and away with a startled squeak.

Claude raised an eyebrow, a amused glint settling in his eyes.

Your eyes had blown comically wide when you spotted Claude nonchalantly sprawled on the bed. A deep blush spread across your neck and face.

"You... wait, where am I?"

Mildly panicking, your gaze darted around and confirmed your location. You were back to Claude's room.

That's when memories hit you and realization dawned. The lake, Claude's confession and finally both of your reconciliation.

"So, uh how did I end up here?" You asked tentatively. There was awkwardness in your movements as you shuffled in your place, eyes glancing around absent-mindedly.

Everything felt surreal. Having your feelings reciprocated was something you dreamt of every waking hour and now it finally came true it still sort of felt like a dream.

"I carried you here after you passed out cold in my arms." Claude said with a hint of sarcasm, his posture was relaxed and nonchalant, eyes flickering over your face with slight glare. "Apparently from exhaustion and excessive abuse of your mana core. Since I gave several warnings and you didn't care to listen I put you under sleeping spell so you could get the rest you need."

As the air of intimidation started to seep from Claude, your smiled nervously, tad bit guilty for making him worried over you.

Claude wasn't done. He continued with a note of dry sarcasm and pure annoyance. "If you are not keen on keeping yourself alive someone has to."

Your lips tugged up into unrestrained smile as your eyes shone with love and adoration. "Heh."

"What's so funny?" Claude asked warily. The way you were looking at him so intimately, so endearingly --like he was your everything was sending a strange tingling sensation all over his body, especially his heart. It wasn't unpleasant but it was uncomfortable since it felt so foreign, so alien. He wasn't used to it.

"I love you."

Claude's eyes grew wide, his breath got stuck in his throat. Heartbeat increased to unnaturally high as the weird sensation grew stronger. It was another thing he wasn't used to.

You scratched your cheeks with a sheepish look. "Heh, it feels natural when I say it to you. Like it's meant to be. Then maybe we are meant to be. We just realized it too late. Then again it's okay. It's better late than never. Don't you think?" You looked at him expectantly, eyes shinning brightly with warm love.

The sensation grew unbearably strong and he was at loss for words to say. Though he could've said so many things, he wanted to say so many things, his mind and mouth refused to co-operate. It frustrated him that he still struggled with words. When your eyes became to drop in disappointment, he swiftly grabbed your nape and smashed his lips on yours.

There was aggression and roughness in the way he moved his lips on yours. A slight note of desperation too. Your wide eyes softened, fluttering close as you sank in the kiss. You realized it was his way of replying non-verbally to your affectionate words. It suited him, you thought as your fingers weaved through his lush golden strands.

"You love me?" You whispered, a small teasing smirk on your lips as you pulled back a inch. Claude paused staring at you blank eyed, before he swallowed hard and averted his eyes soon after.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now