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They had been planning this trip for years and the day was finally here.

It started as Steve's need to pass off the mantle of Captain America. Through the decades, Steve never wavered that Sam Wilson would be the man for the job.

Steve was willing to go alone but the others didn't want to do that. Even though they said goodbye to everyone years ago, the others just sent them into the past a few days ago. They wanted to share the amazing lives they got to live with the family they once had.

Sarah, Steven, JJ and Wanda were now old and grey but they lived their lives well.

Sarah became a doctor with huge support from her Aunt Lizzie. Lizzie somewhat regretted giving up on medical school but she did so much good at Stark Industries that she couldn't bear to take off time to finish her degree. Instead, she supported her niece through medical school and payed for all the expenses.

Sarah's abilities helped her with healing. She had to be careful because if someone noticed, she would have been in danger. There were one or two slip ups but with the families support, it all turned out alright in the end.

During her residency, she met a nice doctor and he was relentless in his pursuit of her. She was terrified because her family was definitely not normal and letting an outsider in was dangerous for both her family and him. He eventually proposed to her and she knew that she couldn't say yes until he knew everything.

He took it extraordinarily well. He loved her too much to let anything stand between them and she loved him for that. She had both a boy and a girl who she named Wanda and Pietro after her sister and the brother she never got to know.

Sarah was incredibly pleased when her children ended up having no special powers. She would love her kids no matter what but she knew how hard it was for her growing up with powers and she didn't want that for her kids. She wanted them to have a normal life where they didn't have to be hidden away like the rest of them. They could go to public school and have outsider friends. She loved her life and she wouldn't change a thing but her kids deserved a shot at normalcy.

She moved into the old house that Steve and Lizzie grew up in. JJ redesigned the house a bit to make it more modern but it had the same bones and Sarah loved building her family there. However, she never broke the tradition of family dinners at least twice a week at her parents' house.

Steven went a different route with his life. When he turned 20, he was recruited by SHEILD as a field agent. Lizzie was furious at Peggy for allowing SHIELD to recruit her son but she knew that Steven could help people and eventually backed down.

Steven never married. He was too attached to his work and he never had an interest in anyone. Lizzie and Bucky were a little disappointed that he never settled down but Steven sat them down and explained that he just didn't feel attraction towards anyone. It was hard for them to understand but they loved Steven no matter what.

When JJ turned 18, he fell in love. Unfortunately, it took awhile for that love to be returned.

JJ always knew that Wanda was attractive and he had always loved her but it took awhile to understand that the love he felt towards her had changed from friendship to romantic.

It took her a very long time to accept that she felt the same way about him. She always had an excuse of why they wouldn't work. She mainly used the excuse that she was too much older than him. He however pointed out that she was only five years older than him and she was snapped out of existence for five years so technically, they have lived the same amount of years.

She also had a hard time getting over that it felt like a betrayal to Vision. Eventually she came to realize that Vision would want her to be happy and he would approve of JJ being the person she moved on with.

At that point, she accepted she loved JJ but she was terrified of what Sarah would think. As much as she loved JJ, she would never risk her relationship with Sarah. Sarah was her sister and she wouldn't lose her. However, Sarah was ultimately the one who convinced her to go to him.

The whole family was thrilled when they got together and both JJ and Wanda knew that they were always meant to be together. Wanda was always tied to their family but their marriage made it official.

JJ eventually finished getting his degree in architecture and with the help of his dad and uncle, built a house right next to theirs. Where he and Wanda raised their family.

Both Wanda and JJ were twins so it came to no surprise when they had twins of their own. They kept the family trend of naming their children after loved ones, naming the boy James Buchanan Barnes III. JJ wanted to call their son JJJ (James Junior Junior) but Wanda insisted that he is the third and not a Junior Junior. Eventually, Grandma Lizzie came to the rescue and suggested they call the baby Jack. The girl they named Natalia Margaret Barnes who they affectionately nicknamed Maggie.

Unlike Sarah who married an outsider, it was inevitable with two parents with super powers that the twins would have powers. While Wanda was a little worried, JJ was over the moon. He always embraced his powers and he knew they would help their kids do the same.

It took decades but eventually the day that they had all been dreading came. In 2011, surrounded by her husband, brother, best friend and all their kids, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, Elizabeth Grace Rogers passed away.

Steve felt the same pain and emptiness that he's felt every time he's lost his twin. No matter how old the became, their bond never went away.

After losing his wife of 62 years, Bucky Barnes was never the same. However, the family helped him more than they could possibly know. He never thought he would deserve a family after all the sins Hydra made him commit but he finally came to accept that he was a good man and he's proud of the life he built with his Ellie.

Steve is just as lost as Bucky when he loses his wife five years later. Steve is supported at the funeral by Bucky who is the only person who understands what it's like to lose their soulmate and the love of their life. They stick with each other through the heartache and the loneliness and never forget the vow that they made to each other over a hundred years ago.

They were with each other till the end of the line.

JJ slings his arms around Steven and Sarah's shoulders and pull them to his sides while Wanda stands behind him and wraps her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder.

They four of them watch as Steve presents Sam with the shield. Bucky is standing close by to show that he supports Steve's decision.

JJ turns his head and places a kiss on Wanda's temple and she gives him a radiant smile that never fails to take his breathe away even after over 50 years of marriage.

As JJ stands there literally surrounded by his loved ones, he can't help but think how grateful he is. He looks at his brother and cousin and pulls them in tighter. They both look at him in question.

"Thank you. Thank you for going back with me," JJ says.

They lived a wild life but in the end, it was perfect.

The End

A/N: Thank you for all of you who continued on with the Come Back With Me sequel. I loved writing Let's Go Back and I hope you loved reading it just as much. Thank you to everyone who liked and commented and gave me the encouragement to continue this story. I plan on possibly doing a spin off of  Let's Go Back that shows how JJ and Wanda fell in love and got together if there is interest. It would be set in 1968, five years after they returned. Also, if you are interested in my other works, I have started a separate story called 'I Want to Remember'. Once again, thank you all for following me on this journey and I appreciate every single one of you!


Let's Go BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora