The Cards They've Been Given

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4 Years Later

JJ and Natasha have a weekly tradition that Wednesday nights they would have dinner together, just the two of them. They were both always so busy that if they didn't make this time, they'd never see each other even though they live together part time.

JJ still goes back and forth between living with Uncle Steve and the facility. Teleporting is so convenient because you never have to worry about the commute.

"How has school been? That professor still giving you a hard time?" She asks him.

Having the last name Romanoff had both its ups and downs. There were more downs than ups because everyone wanted to be friends with the kid of an Avenger and he never knew who was genuine.

The other downfall is that not everybody loves the Avengers. There are some that blame the Avengers for not stopping Thanos. He doesn't know how many times his car has had its tires slashed or his doors keyed. Eventually he stopped taking his car to school and just teleported. It's unfortunate because he liked driving. It made him feel normal.

Professor Feinberg was one of those people. He lost his wife and daughter in the blip and he blamed the Avengers for it. He was completely unfair to JJ and never gave him the grades he deserved. It will be the first class in college that he won't get an A in. He will probably end up having to retake it with a different teacher.

"Um, I got a D+ on my test instead of an F so at least that's something," he says.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" She asks.

Honestly, she'd probably make things worse by going. He hates the Avengers and the so called 'special treatment' that they get.

"I can't have my mommy talk to the teacher because he is being a meanie to me. I'll figure it out, I always do," JJ says.

"And what about that girl in your physics class? Mindy?" Natasha asks.

"Molly," JJ corrects.

Molly has been trying to get JJ to go on a date with her for awhile now. It's not that he doesn't like her, he just doesn't feel comfortable with it. He's been on a few dates throughout the years but none of them have gone anywhere.

"Are you going to take her out?" Natasha asks.

"No," JJ says.

"And why not? She's cute," Natasha says.

"How do you even know what she looks like?" JJ asks in surprise.

"I was a spy. Anyways, stop changing the subject. Why won't you go out with her?" Natasha asks.

"I was born in 1951. I don't know how much I really have in common with her," JJ says evasively.

That was one of Steve's excuses for not dating. Both JJ and Steve constantly used the excuse that they weren't ready.

"You know you can't lie to me, Jay. What's the real reason?" She asks.

JJ sighs and puts his fork down on his plate.

"Because I'd have to lie to her," JJ says.

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