It Was An Accident

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Tony is the first to reach him and the first thing he notices is the blood. There is a lot of blood.

"FRIDAY? Read vitals," Tony demands.

Steven arrives and slides down next to his brother. He already has tears streaming down his face.

"Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way," FRIDAY responds.

Tony let's out a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't kill JJ, or at least not yet.

Sarah arrives next and kneels next to JJ.

"JJ! Wake up! Please, Wake up!" She says between sobs.

JJ remains unmoving. Sam arrives next and starts putting pressure on the wound that is originating from the back of his head.

Sarah looks up at Tony and glares at him through her tears.

"I'm sorry," Tony says remorsefully.

She grips him with her powers and throws him into the side of a plane. He hits it hard but he almost wishes she threw him harder. Maybe if she did, he'd feel something other than this guilt.

"Sarah, Sarah, I need you to calm down," Steven says.

She continues to sob and Wanda comes behind her to hold her.

"You can try to save him but you need to focus," Steven tells her.

Steven already knows what will happen but he knows that Sarah will hate herself if she doesn't at least try.

She nods and removes herself from Wanda's arms.

She places her hands on JJ's chest and focuses on turning his body back five minutes.

She only manages to turn back less than a minute when a collar is latched around her neck and she is pulled away from him.

They were so distracted by JJ's accident that they didn't even realize that the feds had arrived.

"No! No! Please! Please, let me save him," she screams as she is dragged away.

As she looks around, she sees the rest of her team also being put under arrest. They even pull Sam away who was putting pressure on JJ's wound. Now there is nothing to stop her cousin from bleeding out.

"Tony! Save him!" She screams.

She doesn't even care if it's his fault. All she wants is her cousin to live. All of her team and even Steven is in handcuffs so her last hope is those who signed the Sokovia Accords.

An ambulance arrives but it doesn't look like a normal ambulance. It's armored and it almost looks like a prisoner transport van.

Tony watches as JJ is loaded onto a gurney. The medics handling him practically throw him down on it.

"Hey! Be careful with him," Tony yells.

"Don't tell me how we need to handle our criminals," one of the men says.

"Criminal? He's a kid!" Tony yells.

"Take it up with Ross," the man says.

They halfheartedly begin working on saving JJ's life.

Tony sees Ross among the officers and runs up to him.

"Good work, Stark. You let Barnes and Rogers get away. Also, are you gonna tell me who the two other kids are?" Ross asks.

"What are you doing with JJ?" Tony demands.

"Romanoff's kid? He's going to the same place the others are going. The Raft," Ross says.

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