Please Come Home

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Twenty three days had passed when a ship appeared outside of the facility. Everyone starts to run outside but JJ can't wait. He teleports to the front yard and watches as Carol Danvers carries a space ship into the yard.

The rest of them all pile out into the yard but JJ pays no attention to them. This is the moment where he learns if he's lost his brother.

He watches as Tony stumbles out of the ship while being supported by a purple and blue woman.

Steve runs forward and grabs Tony.

"Couldn't stop him," Tony says.

"Neither could I," Steve says.

They all hold their breathes as Steve asks the next question.

"Steven?" Steve asks.

"I lost the kids," Tony says.

Steve feels tears prick his eyes. He was really holding on to the hope that Steven survived. He thought it was a real possibility when Carol showed up and agreed to look for them.

"Tony, we lost," Steve says.

Tony can instantly tell from Steve's expression that he lost a lot. He sees JJ so he assumes that Steve lost Sarah. Now Tony has to ask how much he's lost.

"Is, uh...?" Tony asks.

Pepper runs up and embraces him.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Pepper says.

"It's okay," Tony says.

He looks over her shoulder at JJ and instantly regrets it. He hadn't seen JJ since he was in the hospital. Since he put him in the hospital.

He did get a letter from JJ a couple years back where he told him he forgave him for what he did. He forgave him for hurting him but the look in his eye know tells him that he will never forgive him for letting Steven die. It's irrational because there was no stopping it but he was the last person to see his brother.

JJ teleports away and lands near the lake that his family used to go to when he was younger. He's been there a couple times since they arrived in this time. The house isn't on this land anymore because there was no reason for his mother to build it without dad and Uncle Steve around but this lake is at least familiar.

He thought coming here would make him feel better but he was wrong. Being here just reminds him of how alone he is now.

He falls to his knees and lets out a heartbreaking scream.

How is he supposed to go on without them for the rest of his life? Sure, he has Natasha and Uncle Steve but they're just reminders of all he's lost.

He knows that he can't go back to them right now. He knows they'll worry but he needs a distraction and he definitely won't be distracted at the facility. He'll call them when he figures out where he's going. Luckily you don't need a passport to teleport.

It had been two weeks since anyone has seen JJ. They had already went and killed Thanos and now their main priority is finding him. They were all sitting in the conference room trying to find him.

"Can't you track him using his powers? Every time he teleports, there should be a small surge of gamma radiation when he leaves and when he lands," Natasha says.

"The kid is smart Natasha. He knows his powers give off a signal so he's not going to use his powers. He probably teleported to a random country and is laying low. He learned how to be inconspicuous from the best," Tony points out.

Natasha knows it's true. JJ spent enough time on the run with her that he knows how to cover his tracks.

Steve jumps to his feet causing his chair to slide backwards.

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