I Don't Want To Fight Anymore

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Bucky had been living with JJ for about six months and he was grateful for every second of it. He wishes Steven was there with him too but even just having JJ was a gift he'd never thought he'd have.

JJ reminds him so much of how he was when he was younger. He was charming and witty and also a little cocky. Not to mention how much he looked like him at that age.

There were moments when he reminded him so much of Elizabeth. It was just little things like how he would get a little crinkle between his eyebrows when he was concentrating or when he would throw his head back when he laughed. It makes him miss her even more but it also makes him happy that she is living through their son.

JJ was enjoying the time with his father as well. He and his dad always had a close relationship growing up and he misses him so much. He is so different than the man he grew up with but he's also exactly the same.

He loves JJ the exact same way.

The one thing that has been the worst difference is that his dad in this timeline was the worst cook. Everyone used to say that dad was horrible at cooking and now he understands. Luckily, JJ was taught to cook ironically by his dad so he's taken over kitchen duties.

The hut they live in is very small but they have made it work between the two of them. He can tell how happy his dad is here. He wonders if this is the happiest he's been since 1943.

He feels horrible that he will never get the life with mom like his other dad did. At least his dad in this timeline will have him and Steven. Since they can no longer time travel with their powers, they will most likely never get home. Well, unless someone can build a time machine but JJ knows that's impossible.

Maybe once his family doesn't have to be on the run anymore, they can move back upstate into a house like the one they grew up in. Maybe his family can cut a deal and retire. They can all live in seclusion on house arrest with each other. Of course another threat may come eventually but maybe this period of peace will last.

One day when him and his dad are having breakfast, he brings up the topic of the future.

"What do you want to do after our time in Wakanda?" JJ asks.

They both know that they can't live there forever. T'Challa would be fine with them staying but they miss the rest of the family. Even though Bucky knows this, he never can decide what comes next.

"Well, um, I'd like to clear my name eventually. I dont know how long everyone will be on the run for but I hope that we don't have to run forever. If we can all go back home, I don't know what I'd want to do. What about you?" Bucky asks.

JJ has been thinking about what he wants to do a lot. He's never had a traditional life because even before he had superpowers, he never lived a normal life because they were all homeschooled.

"I want to be normal. I want to be completely an utterly boring. I don't want to fight anymore. I just want you and the rest of our family to live a boring life together. Maybe I can even go to college in a couple years," JJ says.

Bucky thinks boring sounds amazing. The life JJ describes is perfect.

"I want that for you, bud. I want that for us. I'm more than ready to stop fighting," Bucky tells him.

JJ gives his dad a big smile. He's had such a hard life and they all deserve to rest.

"Me too," JJ says.

T'Challa and Okoye approach the plot of land where they know they will find Bucky and JJ.  He wishes he could leave them be but he knows that he can't.

"You'll have the Kingsguard, and the Dora Milaje have been alerted," Okoye says.

"And the Border Tribe?" T'Challa asks.

"Those that are left," Okoye responds.

"Send word to the Jabari as well. M'Baku likes a good fight," T'Challa says with a smile.

"And what of these ones?" Okoye says.

They look towards JJ and Bucky tending to the land. They look peaceful, happy almost. T'Challa regrets ruining this for the pair who have been through so much pain but they can't afford anyone to sit out of this fight, especially the boy.

"These ones may be tired of war but the White Wolf and Young Wolf have rested long enough," T'Challa says.

JJ is laughing over something his dad said when he sees T'Challa approaching over his dad's shoulder. It wouldn't be the first time that T'Challa has visited them but his face isn't the one of a friend. It's the face of a king, a warrior. Whatever T'Challa is here for is not going to be pleasant.

Bucky can see JJ's face drop and turns around to see T'Challa. He immediately comes to the same conclusion his son had.

The party reaches Bucky. A Kingsguard
sets a case down on a cart, opens the lid, and steps back. Bucky and JJ approach the case and see a new Vibranium arm in the case. They both know what this means. Their time of peace is over.

"Where's the fight?" Bucky asks.

"On its way," T'Challa says.

Bucky doesn't want his son anywhere near this fight. He doesn't want any of his family to be in danger. However, he knows T'Challa wouldn't bother them unless it was something urgent. Whatever was coming, none of them will be able to sit out. He would be surprised if Steve and Sarah weren't already on their way.

JJ looks at his dad and sees how defeated he seems. They finally had peace and now it was being destroyed. JJ had no idea what was coming or who was coming but he knows that they have to win. Hopefully this will truly be their last fight.

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