What The Hell?

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When Sarah wakes up, it takes a minute to recognize her surroundings.

She's in her room at the facility but that doesn't make any sense. She had just been in London so how was she suddenly home?

She reaches for her phone and checks the time. The time isn't what sets her off, it's the date.

It's been a full 24 hours since she was last awake.

She scrambles for her television remote and quickly turns on the TV.

Her heart sinks as she watches the news.

Not only did the bomb explode, but she wasn't there to stop it.

However, that's not the only event that's past.

The news anchor was currently talking about the destruction caused by Captain America, The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and the king of Wakanda named T'Challa. There is no mention of JJ or Steven which only freaks her out more. Even if they weren't able to stop the bomb, she's sure JJ would have teleported Uncle Bucky out of Romania before the task force even got near him.

She quickly grabs her phone and dials Steven's number.

"Please, please, please," she chants under her breathe.

She starts to really panic when his phone goes to voicemail.

She calls JJ next but he also doesn't pick up.

Sarah gets out of bed and runs out her door. It's a long shot but maybe they are here.

"JJ! Steven!" She yells but there is no response.

"Ah, Miss. Rogers. You are awake," Vision says.

Sarah jumps and she quickly turns towards Vision.

"Oh my God, you scared me. Give a girl some warning next time," Sarah says.

"I am sorry. I did use the door this time though," Vision says.

She nods in understanding. They are all still adjusting to Vision's idiosyncrasies.

"I know, thank you. Have you seen JJ or Steven?"

Vision pauses before answering because he knows that the following conversation will be unpleasant. He should have had Wanda come talk to her because she will be much better at comforting her.

"They have been missing since shortly after Mr. Stark returned with you. No one has seen them since," Vision says.

She begins to panic because where could they be? She would know if they were dead, wouldn't she?

Then she remembers what Tony had told her on the first day they arrived.

"Well, didn't Tony say he put trackers in us? Shouldn't you be able to find them with that?" Sarah asks.

Vision has perfect recall so he instantly remembers the conversation she is referring to. After the three kids awoke after being knocked out on arrival, Mr. Stark told them that he put trackers in them. He of course didn't, he just wanted to make sure that the kids didn't run away.

"I do believe Mr. Stark was bluffing," Vision admits.

Instant betrayal fills her. Why had everyone let them believe that for so long? She understands why they let her think that at first but why didn't they tell her once trust was built?

"It is most likely that the others forgot to inform you of that misinformation," Vision says.

"You would have remembered that conversation," Sarah says accusingly.

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