A Time Machine

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JJ was currently in the car heading to the Stark's residence with his uncle, Natasha and Scott Lang. JJ really didn't know what to think of Scott's claims about the quantum realm. He studied physics but this was out of his area of expertise.

He didn't want to drag Tony into this. He finally got the life he'd always wanted. However, all he had to do was think of Steven, Sarah and his dad and he knew they had to at least talk about the possibility. JJ knew he would easily die to bring his family back, without hesitation, but everyone had to decide what they were willing to risk themselves.

If Tony decided that he didn't want to risk it, he would back him up on it.

They pull up to the house and get out of the car. He sees Tony holding Morgan in his arms.

"JJ! JJ!" Morgan yells as she tries to wiggle out of her father's arms.

He lets her down to the ground and she runs over to JJ. He leans down and throws her up in the air probably a little too high for Tony's comfort.

"How's a going, Bug? You just saw me yesterday, miss me already?" JJ asks.

"I found something in the garage I want to show you," she explains.

"How about you show me later? We're going to leave the boring adults to go talk while we help your mommy with lunch, okay?" JJ says.

JJ walks over to Tony with Morgan still in his arms. He places a hand on his shoulder and holds eye contact.

"Whatever you decide, I'm okay with it. I'll understand," JJ says.

Tony gives him a confused look but nods anyway.

"Pepper?" JJ yells as he walks into the house.

He walks into the kitchen and Pepper looks at him in surprise.

"Jay? What are you doing here?" Pepper asks.

JJ plops Morgan down on the kitchen counter.

"What? I can't stop by just to say hi?" JJ asks.

She's knows JJ long enough to see through him.

"You can, you just usually don't two days in a row. What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asks.

JJ slumps against the counter and drops his head.

"I dont know," JJ says.

"JJ you're scaring me, what's going on?" Pepper asks.

"Scott Lang showed up to the facility," JJ says.

"Isn't he supposed to be..." Pepper trails off.

"Dead? Yeah," JJ says tiredly.

"And now..." Pepper prompts.

"And now him, my uncle, and Natasha are trying to convince your husband into building a time machine," JJ says.

Of all the things JJ could have said, it definitely wasn't that.

"A time machine?" Pepper asks.

JJ picks Morgan back up and brings her over to the table across from the kitchen. She doesn't need to hear this next part of the story. He kneels down beside her and places a piece of paper and some crayons in front of her.

"Hey, Bug. I was hoping you could make me a drawing for my room at home. My walls are soooo boring and I desperately need your help to make it better. Can you help me out?" JJ asks.

She pretends to think about it for a moment before nodding. He lets out an exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Only if you draw me a picture too," Morgan says.

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