They Just Wanted Time

515 23 3

"You're totally cheating," Sam says.

"Am not, you just suck," Sarah says.

"Oh, it's like that?" Sam asks.

The safe house Natasha had managed to get them had a dart board. There wasn't much to do when you were on the run so they usually had to come up with ways to entertain themselves.

"S is right, you do suck. You're losing the bet... By a lot," Natasha says.

She points at the board that they have set up to track the wins. Currently Steve was sitting at 66 wins, Natasha at 52, Sarah at 50, and Sam at 23. They had a bet that the first one to a hundred wins can make the others do whatever they want for a whole day.

"Okay, I'm playing against a super soldier, an ex-assassin, and a girl who has telekinesis and super strength. Tell me how that's fair?" Sam asks.

"Awe, I'm Sam. Take pity on me because I'm a boring human without superpowers that likes to complain," Sarah says.

"I liked you better when you were the sweet little girl who called me to kill a spider because it was too scary. Now you're being a-" Sam says.

"Sam," Steve warns, cutting him off.

Sarah flips Sam off from behind Steve's back, causing Natasha to snicker.

Sam is about to respond but is cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. Steve takes out his phone expecting to see JJ or Steven's name but it's neither.

The caller ID reads Tony Stark.

A call from Tony is both the best and worst thing. It's the best because that means Tony feels like he can count on Steve again. It's the worst because he knows that whatever Tony's calling about probably means a fight. A fight he doesn't want his daughter in but he knows she'll fight all the same.

The atmosphere immediately darkens as they all see Steve's expression.

"Who is it?" Natasha asks.

Steve doesn't answer her question but brings the phone to his ear.

"Tony?" Steve asks.

The other occupants all glance at each other in surprise.

"Uh, no, it's Bruce," he says.

He hasn't heard from Bruce in four years so he is incredibly surprised to be getting a phone call from him right now.

"Bruce?" Steve says in shock.

"Bruce?" Natasha says as she shoots to her feet.

"Yeah, Cap, it's me. Listen, something bad is coming," Bruce says.

He explains the situation with Thanos and the fight in New York.

"There's something else, Steve," Bruce says hesitantly.

"What?" Steve says in concern.

"There was a boy there who claimed to be your nephew," Bruce says.

He knows he isn't talking about JJ because if he left Bucky's side, he would be getting a very panicked phone call from his best friend. So that means he is talking about Steven.

"Steven is with you?" Steve asks in surprise.

"Steven? What about him?" Sarah asks in panic.

"Well, he was with me but... I'm so sorry, Steve. He's on the space ship with Tony," Bruce says remorsefully.

Steve feels like he's going to be sick. Against his better judgment he let Steven go off on his own. He's dreading telling Bucky that he may have lost his son. He knows that Tony will defend him with his life but sometimes you can't save people no matter how hard you try.

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