You Have His Number

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Steven is in the library when he hears a loud bang. He goes running and meets up with Wong and Dr. Strange and they see a giant hole in the middle of the staircase. He looks down and sees none other than Bruce Banner.

"Thanos is coming. He's coming," Bruce says urgently.

Strange gives a look to Steven. He doesn't know much about Thanos other than what he's learned from Steven which isn't much. He tries not to look forward in time too often because it creates temptation to manipulate situations which is exactly what he told the kids not to do.

He knows Steven knows how all this is going to play out but he's in the dark for now.

They help Bruce out of the hole and get him a set of clothing. He quickly explains to them who Thanos is and what he's after.

"You need to get the avengers," Bruce tells them.

Steven knows that this was coming. He knows that they will need Tony but he still doesn't know if he could stand looking at him. He knows that Tony never meant to hurt JJ but it still is hard to deal with the fact that his mentor almost killed his brother.

Strange can see the conflict on Steven's face. He knows about the fight at the airport and JJ's injury at Tony's hand but if this is as big as he thinks, they need all hands on deck.

"We need him," Strange says.

"I know," Steven says with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, who? And who are you guys?" Bruce asks.

"I'm Dr. Stephen Strange, that is Wong, and that is Steven Rogers-Barnes. We are talking about needing Tony Stark," Strange says quickly.

"Steven Rogers as in Steve Rogers?" Bruce asks in surprise.

He realizes that it's impossible for this kid to be Steven's because this kid definitely is older than six. However, he can't deny that he has some resemblance to Steve.

"I'm Steve Rogers' nephew," Steven says.

"A great nephew? I didn't even know Steve had a sibling," Bruce says.

"No, I'm just a normal nephew. My mom was Steve's twin. It's a long story," Steven says.

"We don't have time for this," Strange says.

Strange opens a portal and walks through. He finds Pepper and Tony walking through Central Park.

"Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way," Strange says.

Tony and Pepper look at him in surprise.

"I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?" Tony asks.

"We need your help. Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake," Strange says.

"And who's 'we'?" Tony asks.

Bruce walks out of the portal and stands in front of Tony.

"Hey, Tony," Bruce says.

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