I'm Sorry, Brother

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Steve and JJ run out of the airport only to be stopped by Rhodey and Tony.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Rhodey asks

"Definitely weird" Tony says.

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this" Steve says.

T'Challa flips over some equipment and lands in front of them.

"Captain," T'Challa says.

"Your highness," Steve says.

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony asks.

"You're after the wrong guy," Steve says

"Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday," Tony says.

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't," Steve says.

Natasha walks out from behind them and they turn to face her.

"Steve, Jay . . . you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Natasha says.

JJ and Natasha make eye contact and they know that they both know that this is inevitable.

"He's my dad, Nat," JJ says.

Everyone takes a sharp intake of breathe.

Dropping this bomb about his parentage is a last ditch effort to try to stop what's about to happen. He knows that he probably can't change anything but he would hate himself if he didn't try.

Tony feels hurt that this was hidden from him. That it was hidden from all of them. However, when he looks at Natasha, he sees that she isn't all that surprised.

"You knew?" Tony asks Natasha.

"It wasn't my secret to tell," Natasha says.

Natasha was always good at keeping secrets. Tony shouldn't be surprised that Natasha knows because of how close she is to JJ but it still hurts knowing that they didn't trust him enough to tell him.

He doesn't have time to dwell on it though because he has a job to do.

"All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Tony says.

Peter flips in and steals Steve's shield and binds his hands.

"Nice job, kid," Tony says.

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you," Peter says.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation," Tony says

"Okay. Cap . . . Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man," Peter says.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just . . ." Tony says.

"Hey, everyone," Peter says with a small wave.

"You've been busy," Steve says.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. You even brought your daughter and nephew into this mess. I'm trying to keep . . . I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart," Tony says.

Steve wishes things didn't end up this way but there is no way to stop it now. Lines were already drawn in the sand.

"You did that when you signed," Steve says.

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