We Lied to You

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"Come back with me," Sarah says.

"What?!" Wanda says in shock.

The more Sarah thinks about it, the more it makes complete sense.

"When we go back, you should come with us. You'd never be alone again. You'd have me, JJ, Steven, my dad, and Uncle Bucky. Not to mention the rest of my family will just adore you. My Aunt Lizzie will probably adopt you into the family at first sight," Sarah says with a smile.

Wanda is immediately overwhelmed. What Sarah is proposing is too good to be true. It feels like at every turn, she loses the people she loves. Maybe she has been cursed due to all the evil she's done. She doesn't want to be responsible for bringing any trouble to Sarah and her family.

"S, I dont know..." Wanda says.

"Please, Wanda. I don't want to lose you or my family. We would be happy together. You would be happy again, I'd make sure of it. My family will take care of you," Sarah says.

"It's not that... I know I'd be welcomed with open arms. It's just... destruction follows me," Wanda says as she lets the scarlet energy run between her fingers.

Sarah grabs Wanda's hand and lets the blue energy run over their closed hands, creating a purple light.

"If you're destruction, what does that make me?" Sarah asks.

"Sarah... you're nothing like me. You haven't done the horrible things that I have," Wanda says.

"I almost killed Sam," Sarah blurts out.

"What?" Wanda asks.

Sarah never told Wanda because it was her biggest point of shame. She's always tried to protect the people she loves but instead, she let her anger take hold of her.

"After my mother's funeral, I was really upset and angry. Dad and Sam tried to force me back to my room and I lashed out. Sam flew back and hit his head. If it wasn't for my healing abilities... he would have died," Sarah says with her head dropped.

Wanda sits there in silence. She isn't judging Sarah but she is shocked. Sarah has never slipped before. She was always level headed which made training her so easy. She was honestly jealous that control came so easy to Sarah throughout the years. She hates the little part of her that is happy knowing that even Sarah can slip.

"But you saved him. You've never killed innocent people. The death that I'm responsible for..." Wanda trails off.

"Do you think I'm a bad judge of character?" Sarah asks.

Wanda is brought up short by her question.

"No, you see the best in people but you aren't naive," Wanda says.

"Then do you think I would see you as a sister if you were bad? What happened in Lagos was an accident and everything before that was the actions of a grieving teenager. If I lost my family, I would want vengeance on the man who I thought ended their lives as well. You are good, Wanda. You are a good person and you are family. I selfishly want you to come with me because I don't know if I could be fully happy again if I lost you. However, I would let you go if I thought you'd be happy here. In my time, you would have a clean slate, no one will know who you are. You'd get to choose who you are instead of who the world thinks you are. I think you'd be happy," Sarah says.

What Sarah is offering sounds amazing. All she's ever wanted is a clean slate. Everyone looks at her in fear except for the Avengers. If she goes with Sarah, she gets a family as well as freedom. She'll never forget the lives she's ended or the people she's lost but maybe she has a shot at a life if she goes with her. However, she can't help but be scared.

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