Their Last Goodbyes

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Steve was standing in the doorway of the twins bedroom. The twins had pushed their beds together and Sarah was sleeping soundly next to her cousins. They hadn't all slept in the same room since they first came to this time but it's understandable that they want to all be together with them heading back to the 60s tomorrow.

He's so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't even here footsteps approaching from behind him. A hand settles on his shoulder and makes him jump. He looks over at the kids but they are still fast asleep.

"Just me, Pal," Bucky says.

Bucky gestures Steve to shut the door but Steve just shakes his head.

"We're not going to see them for fifteen years, well, this version of them at least. I don't want to miss a second of our time left with them," Steve says.

Bucky honestly hasn't thought about that. As soon as he decided to come back, he knew he would see his sons in a couple years but he didn't think about how it would be a long time until he had his boys like they are now.

"We'll be there from the beginning this time. We'll be there when they are born, when the take their first steps, their first words..."Bucky says.

"Yeah, I'm excited for that but I'll still miss my baby as I know her," Steve says.

"Yeah," Bucky says with a sigh.

As Bucky looks at the twins, he understands what Steve is talking about. He wishes he was able to get to know Steven and Sarah more but he does know JJ. He lived with JJ for six month and he got to know the amazing boy that he is. He will desperately miss JJ and his light hearted nature. Even knowing he will see his boys like this again, doesn't mean that letting them go will be easy.

"I let the idea of having kids go a long time ago. I had always wanted kids but I soon realized I didn't want kids if Peggy wasn't their mother. When Sarah showed up... I don't know, it was like the universe gave me the best gift I had ever gotten," Steven says.

"I didn't think I could love anyone as much as I love El but when I learned about my boys... my heart expanded to fit the three of them. They are my world and I don't deserve them after everything I've done but I'm never going to stop trying to be the best for them. They make me feel like less of a monster because maybe my love for them redeems me, if only a little bit," Bucky says.

Steve turns and looks at his oldest and best friend. He places his hand on his shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

"You're a good man, Bucky Barnes. The kids in there prove it. Before you disagree and say that's because of Lizzie, remember that they're half you," Steve says.

He doesn't bother arguing with Steve because they will never agree. Steve always sees the best in him when all he can ever see is the bad.
They stand in silence for a long moment.

"Let's go to bed," Steve says after a bit.

"Wait," Bucky says.

Steve looks at him in confusion.

"Just a few more minutes," Bucky says.

Steve gives him a small smile before nodding.

"Yeah, okay, Buck," Steve says.

The next morning, Sarah knocks on Wanda's door to check to see if she's ready.

"Wanda?" Sarah asks.

"Come in," Wanda says with a stressful tone.

Sarah comes into the room and sees that Wanda has torn apart her room. Her bed and floor are covered in different articles of clothing.

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