Happy To Be Home

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Bucky sat up sharply in bed with a gasp, waking his wife in the process. He's used to vivid dreams but nothing that vivid.

Lizzie sits up next to him and rubs his back soothingly. She places her lips on his shoulder. She's used to the nightmares after 15 years of marriage.

"Bad dream?" She asks softly.

"No... it wasn't bad," Bucky says in confusion.

"Was it a good dream?" She asks.

"I... I don't know," he answers.

He knows there is only one way to fix the confusion and gets out of bed, causing Lizzie to fall forward.

"Jaime, what's going on?" She asks.

He hasn't woken up confused like this in years and she's scared at the sudden change. She watches as he reattached his arm and moves towards the door.

He can hear his wife yelling out for him but he's on a mission. He just needs to make sure his boys are here. That's the only way he will be able to convince himself that that dream wasn't real.

He storms into the twins room and slams the door open. He knows he'll feel bad if he wakes them but his heart is pounding and he can't control his actions. However, his worrying about waking them is obsolete because when the door opens, their beds are empty and neatly made.

He lets the panic take over and feels like he's on the verge of a panic attack. He hasn't had a panic attack in years but he can feel one coming now. He knows that only action can push it back so he backs out of the room and runs to find the only other person who can confirm the truth.

"Steve!" Bucky yells.

"Jaime! You're going to wake up the twins and Natasha," Lizzie whispers angrily.

He doesn't even seem to notice her as he stumbles down the stairs and out the back door. He starts running and runs directly into Steve.

"The twins?" Steve asks urgently.

"They aren't in their beds. What about Sarah?" Bucky asks breathlessly.

"Gone," Steve says in a panic.

"They were supposed to return to the second the left so where are they?" Bucky asks.

"I dont know, do you think something went wrong?" Steve asks.

Across town, the foursome arrive in an empty alley.

"Is this it? Did it work?" Wanda asks.

JJ looks around and knows it worked. There's no identifiable reason other than he just feels it in his bones.

"Only one way to check. Grab on," JJ says.

They all place a hand on JJ and he teleports them to the house. The land in the backyard and see their fathers yelling.

"Dad," JJ says.

They don't seem to hear them and just keep talking over each other.

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