We Fight

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Steve, Natasha, and T'Challa return to the line after talking to Proxima Midnight at the barrier.

"Did they surrender?" JJ asks.

"Not exactly," Steve responds.

They watch as thousands of Outriders pour out of the ships and run towards the barrier.

"What the hell," Bucky says.

While Natasha, Bruce and Steve have faced off against aliens before, this was completely new to everyone else.

"Looks like we pissed her off," Natasha says.

They watch as the outriders crash into the barrier as they try to break through. They push against the force field but their limbs keep getting cut off in the process. However, they continue to push, effectively killing themselves.

A few Outriders manage to squeeze through intact, the Border Tribe take a knee and raise their shields. The Kingsguard behind them level their spears over their shoulders. On T'Challa's command, they all begin firing at them. They stay in formation and let the outriders approach them, however, the outriders stop pushing through and circle the barrier to find another weak point.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us... there's nothing between them and Vision," Bruce says.

It also means that there's nothing between them and Sarah. It's not an option, he needs to keep the fight here at all costs.

"Then we better keep 'em in front of us," Steve says.

"How do we do that?" Okoye asks.

"We open the barrier. On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen," T'Challa tells an operator over the coms.

"Requesting confirmation, my King. You said open the barrier?" They ask.

"On my signal," T'Challa says.

They all ready themselves for the on coming fight. JJ holds a spear in his hands. Over his time in Wakanda, Okoye and Ayo have taken to training with JJ. Between Natasha and his father's training, he has become proficient with firearms but he feels like the spear is a better choice for close-counter fights. Still, he has a gun and knife strapped to his belt just in case.

Bucky and Natasha both want to keep JJ by their sides but they would never be able to keep up with him with his teleportation and they would never be able to convince him not to use his powers.

Bucky looks over at his son. He's grown up so much in the last couple years but he is still his kid. He wishes he could apologize to Elizabeth for letting him fight. He knows that she would be furious at him especially after he already lost one of their sons. He was such a failure of a father.

"Please stay safe, Jay," Bucky begs him.

"You too," JJ says, his eyes never leading the outriders.

He won't promise anything because he knows the odds that they are up against but if he can reassure his dad even a little bit, he will.

"Hey, look at me," Bucky says.

JJ's eyes snap over to his father's.

"I love you," Bucky says.

There's not many people that Bucky has truly loved in his life but his son was one of the ones he's loved most. He so wishes that he could thank Ellie for him in this moment.

"I love you too, dad," JJ responds.

Bucky still can't get over the feeling of pride he has whenever JJ calls him that.

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