We Have to Tell the Team

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"How do you think mom is going to take it that I went to sleep a 13 year old and woke up as a 22 year old?" JJ asks.

"Not well but you're still her kid no matter what," Steven says.

"About that," Sarah says.

Both boys look at Sarah in confusion.

"What if I could turn back our ages?" Sarah asks.

Both boys immediately protest.

"Are you crazy, Sarah? You'll kill yourself!" JJ says.

"Just listen. Ever since everyone helped me save Tony, I feel like I have too much power running through me. It's like my body stored the extra energy. I don't think I passed out because I was drained of energy but because I had too much flowing through me," Sarah says.

"We can't risk you like that," JJ says.

Sarah looks towards Steven who despite the original outburst, hasn't said anything.

"You can look ahead, can't you? You can make sure it's safe before I do it," Sarah says.

Steven nods and his eyes glow blue, activating his powers. He stays in his trance for several
minutes before coming out.

"So?" JJ asks.

"She'll have no problem with aging down me and her but JJ is a problem. JJ was so close to dying at the airport that aging him backwards past that is dangerous. As long as you stop before that, you will be fine. JJ will just be 14 instead of 13. The real question though is if you want that, JJ," Steven says.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"You're 22 years old. You've been an adult for many years. How are you going to feel about going back to being 14 again?" Steven asks.

JJ pauses for a second and really ponders Steven's question. How will it feel to be 14 again? He could still go back to his family as a 22 year old. He knows his parents will accept him in any form. There's definitely parts of being grown that appeal to him. However, he will grow and get back to this age eventually. Also, this wasn't the childhood that he imagined for himself. He wants a chance to get the childhood that he lost.

"Eh, I'll still be a year older than you, punk," JJ says with a smile.

Steven can't help but smile back. He hates to admit it but it's hard seeing JJ so much older than him. It just shows how much time they've lost with each other throughout the years. If JJ decided to be his current age, he would have supported him but he's glad he decided against it.

"Should we do it now or later?" Sarah asks.

"Do you feel ready now?" JJ questions.

He hopes she does because he doesn't want to have time to second guess his decision. He knows he's making the right choice but his brain doesn't always agree with him.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I've never aged myself down before," Sarah says.

They both see Steven's eyes glow blue and they wait for his assessment. Steven looks through all the different scenarios but she always seems to be fine as long as she doesn't age JJ past his injury at the airport.

"She'll be fine as long as she doesn't do anything crazy that I haven't looked for," Steven says.

"Oh yeah, because aging ourselves down isn't crazy," JJ says sarcastically.

"You know what I mean, jerk," Steven says in annoyance.

They both look to Sarah, waiting for her to get started. She nods slightly and closes her eyes. She focuses on aging herself back through the years. It's strange aging herself down but she knows it's working. She has to take away four years away to turn her age from 17, back to 13. She takes year by year off. She isn't sure it worked but when she opens her eyes and sees awe in the twins' eyes, she knows it worked.

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