I Miss Her Too

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The last year on the run hasn't been particularly easy on Sarah. Even though they promised they'd see each other, she's only seen JJ a handful of times and she hasn't even seen Steven at all.

Natasha has called to inform them that Steven had run off to New York to finish his training. She understood why he would want to do it. Out of the three of them, Steven was always the most curious. He wanted to learn everything he could get his hands on and this offer must have been too good to refuse. Still, she was upset that Steven didn't even tell her himself what he was planning.

Luckily, she still had her dad, Wanda, Natasha and Sam.  She knows that Uncle Bucky got the trigger words out and JJ was living with him now. Dad said they couldn't risk a visit and bring the heat down on Wakanda if they are caught. JJ can get in and out undetected. After JJ moved in with Uncle Bucky, Natasha joined them on the run.

Wanda walks through the door to the room they share. They have been staying at this abandoned apartment for a few weeks now but they knew they would have to move on soon. Sarah misses having a home but she knew exactly what she signed up for when she sided with her dad in Germany.

"Hey, S," Wanda says as she sits down on the bed.

Sarah can instantly tell that Wanda has something on her mind.

"What is it?" Sarah asks.

Sarah knows her too well at this point. They are sisters in all things but blood. That's why she doesn't want to tell her what is wrong. However, she knows Sarah won't let up until she tells her.

"Vis reached out again," Wanda says.

Vision kept finding them wherever they went and kept reaching out to Wanda. They all knew that Vision was tied to the accords so they all were cautious when meeting with him. Usually it was just Wanda who met up with him.

"What did he want?" Sarah asks.

Wanda gives her a sad look.

"You already know what he wants," Wanda says.

And Sarah does know. Vision has asked Wanda on multiple occasions to go away with him. She's always said no because she doesn't want to leave Sarah.

"And what do you want?" Sarah asks.

She would hate to lose Wanda more than anything but when you love someone, their happiness means everything to you. If Vision makes her happy, she won't stand in the way.

"He told me he loves me," Wanda admits.

That's not an answer to her question but she knows that changes things for Wanda.

"And do you?" Sarah asks.

"Do I what?" Wanda asks evasively.

"Do you love him too?" Sarah reiterates.

Wanda looks down at the ground for a long moment but then looks Sarah in the eyes.

"I do," Wanda says.

Sarah knows that she has to free Wanda. She knows Wanda loves Steve, Natasha and Sam but she is staying for Sarah.

"You should go to him," Sarah says.

Wanda can't help but look at Sarah in surprise. When she started this conversation, it wasn't to convince Sarah to let her run away with Vision.

"I can't leave you," Wanda says dismissively.

"I'm not going anywhere. Well, I will because we are on the run but as long as we stay close and check in often, it will be okay," Sarah says.

Wanda for a moment really considers leaving for a moment but it's painful. She loves Sarah and to be ripped from her would be horrible. However, she can't ignore the part of her that calls out to Vision as well.

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