You Can't Protect Us

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JJ hasn't been able to let go of his guilt since Lagos. Not only did he not change anything but he brought down even more heat on the avengers by revealing himself.

"The Avengers need to be held accountable for their actions. They seem to be collecting enhanced individuals and letting them run wild. They still refuse to release the identity of the young man who assisted in the destruction of Lagos. The mystery enhanced and Wanda Maximoff are major threats that need to be put in check. If not, the whole world will burn as they 'avenge' it," the newscaster says.

JJ has been watching newscasts like this since the incident happened. He doesn't know if he feels better of worse when he does.

"Why do you and Wanda insist on torturing yourselves like this?" Natasha asks.

He looks over to see her in the doorway. She walks over and sits next to him.

"It's better to know how much trouble we're in before the other shoe drops. You know they're going to start demanding for my identity soon. I mean, they already are running investigations but I'm not supposed to exist so they won't find anything. Eventually, they are going to stop asking nicely. I don't want anything to happen to Steven or Sarah because of my actions," JJ says.

Natasha is silent for a second consideration what to say.

"Do you know what today is?" Natasha asks.

"Tuesday?" JJ answers.

Natasha gives a small laugh at his sarcastic response.

"A year ago today, you and Steven and Sarah arrived here," Natasha.

JJ gives a small reminiscent smile.

"Yeah, and we kicked your asses," JJ says.

She shoots him a quick glare.

"You caught us off guard. Anyways, you arrived here and we had no idea what to do with you. We knew you were related to Steve but we had no idea who you were or what you were capable of. I was so scared that you would destroy my family. I am so happy to say that you didn't destroy my family, you became my family. We all love you and we will go to the ends of the earth to protect you. Things are going to get a little dicey soon but we are going to get through it as we always have, together," Natasha says.

JJ and Natasha don't show physical affection often but he can't help but hug her now. He has felt so lost recently and though Steven and Sarah try to help, they haven't been able to get through to him.

JJ knows he has a plethora of character issues but Natasha has never tried to change him. She may scold him at times but she loves him for him.

He vows to himself in that moment, he will do everything in his power to save her. He will die happily if it means he can save Natasha.

They are broken out of their moment by a sound behind them.

They let go of each other and are faced with Vision standing in the doorway.

"Mr. Stark is here with Secretary Ross," Vision tells her.

She knows that whatever this meeting is, it won't be good.

"Okay, I'll be right there," Natasha says.

"Both of your presence is required actually," Vision says.

"Over my dead body," Natasha says.

She is not letting the government get their hands on JJ. He doesn't need to be a part of this, none of the kids do.

"Mr. Stark insists that young Mr. Rogers is present," Vision says.

The only people who know who the twins' father is, is Natasha and Steve. Everyone else just uses the last name 'Rogers' because of Lizzie.

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