He Has To Find Her

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Thanos begins dueling with Dr. Strange with the other Avengers out of commission. He manages to hold him off for awhile but with the power of a Titan and four infinity stones, he never really stood a chance. He holds Strange off the ground by his throat.

"You're full of tricks, wizard," Thanos says.

He reaches for the Eye of Agamotto.

"Yet you never once used your greatest weapon," Thanos says.

He crushes it in his bare hand.

"A fake," Thanos says.

Steven has recovered at this point and approaches Thanos.

Thanos throws Doctor Strange hard enough that Doctor Strange's head hits stone and he passes out.

He begins to engage with the child and is actually surprised. His powers may even surpass the older man's.

"You are skilled, child," Thanos complements.

While Strange relied on his abilities in a fight. Steven is a trained fighter. Though Thanos is definitely stronger, Steven has super soldier DNA from his father so he's stronger than the average human.

Steven is quick and uses that to his advantage. He places many combinations on Thanos and uses his powers to misdirect. If it was purely Thanos against Steven, he might be able to win but with the powers of the infinity stone, it was a loosing battle to start.

Thanos uses the power stone to knock Steven to the ground.

"If it were a different world, I would be so interested to see what kind of fighter you would be under my tutelage. It's a shame I have to kill someone so gifted but many will fall before the day is through," Thanos says.

He points his gauntlet at Steven but a red and gold device slaps into the palm of the Infinity Gauntlet, bracing the fingers open. Tony swoops down to face Thanos.

"You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna lose it," Tony says.

He looks over to see Steven sprawled out on the ground. He's failed him so many times in the past but he refuses to fail him today. No matter what, he will protect Steven Anthony Barnes.

"Stark," Thanos says.

"You know me?" Tony asks in surprise.

"I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge," Thanos says.

"My only curse is you," Tony says.

Small rockets pop out of Tony's back and launch at Thanos.

"Come on!" Thanos yells.

The rockets all explode, momentarily shrouding Thanos in smoke. Before it clears, Tony tackles Thanos, kicking him with both feet. As he bounces off, he flips and sticks his landing, immediately re-configuring his boots into ground clamps for stability and his gloves into rocket-driven battering rams, punching Thanos into a ruined wall behind him.

Thanos shakes it off quickly and reaches forward to tear off Tony's helmet before the suit recovers and automatically reforms. Thanos punches Tony and sends him flying, giving Thanos time to rip the brace device off the gauntlet. He immediately uses the Power Stone to stream energy at Tony, who forms a shield but he is getting forced back.

Tony flies at Thanos and pins one of Thanos' hands down with his foot before turning is arm into a hammer and slamming into Thanos' face, cutting his cheek.

"All that for a drop of blood," Thanos says.

He smiles briefly before punching Tony and  then starts beating him with his fists. Tony attempts to block the blows with his forearms, but Thanos is relentless, picking him up by the helmet and blasting his midsection with the Power Stone. The gaps in nanite coverage are now gaping, as the armor loses the ability to recover from the intensity and extent of the damage. Tony lands hard from the blast and struggles to one knee. He fires a repulsor at Thanos but the beam is easily deflected by the gauntlet. He gets to both feet as the suit tries to complete repairs, adding a beam from his other  hand as well. Thanos walks up to him, and backhands the incomplete helmet completely off Tony's head. He crosses his arms to block a blow from Thanos' gauntlet, and has his left hand caught over his head. In desperation, he forms what's left of his right glove into a short-sword, which is also easily caught by Thanos. He snaps it off clean and stabs it through Tony's side.

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