Best Parts of All of Us

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Soon after the snap, all the survivors got on a quinjet and headed back to New York. At this point, they were done running and they were going home. Half the universe died so the least of their concerns were the Sokovia Accords.

JJ sits in between Steve and Natasha in complete shock. He lost his cousin and father in the same day. He's still holding on hope that Steven is still alive out there but even though their twin connection isn't like his mother's and Uncle Steve's, he has a strong feeling that his brother is gone.

JJ looks over at his uncle. His uncle will know what to do. He'll know how to fix this.

"What do we do?" JJ asks him desperately.

Steve looks at his nephew. He wants to give him guidance but he's lost the same people and was just as broken. He knows that he's the only family JJ has left but he is struggling to hold himself together right now.

When Steve doesn't say anything, Natasha takes over.

"We don't know kiddo but we'll figure something out. We always do," Natasha says.

Natasha doesn't know if this is something that can be fixed but at this moment, she knows JJ needs some hope to hold onto or he'll drown in grief. He's lost so many people but Natasha will be there to help him as much as she can.

When they arrive to New York, there is a split in the actions of the heroes. Half of them go and immediately start searching for Thanos but the other half just sit silently in their grief.

Bruce, Natasha, and Rhodey pause as they realize that they are the only ones participating in the search. They look around and see Steve, JJ, Thor, and Rocket sitting silently and dead eyed.

"What are you doing? We have to find him," Rhodey says.

"Why? It's not going to turn out any different than it did before," JJ says flatly.

The most surprising out of the other group is Steve. Steve isn't one to give up but here he is, just as unmotivated as the rest of them.

"Steve?" Natasha asks.

He was examining his hands that still had the dust that was once his daughter on his hands. He looks up at her with a blank expression. She can tell that he has no idea what is going on.

"Huh?" He asks.

"What's the move?" Bruce asks him.

Without Tony here, Steve is supposed to be the leader they turn to. He's their Captain for crying out loud.

"I don't know," he says dazed.

Natasha knows that he just needs something to fight for. He'll snap into action once he realizes that they might be able to change something.

"We can bring her back, Steve," Natasha says.

"I couldn't protect her. I stood in between him and my daughter. If I was a better father, I should have made Thanos kill me before letting him past me," Steve says emotionlessly.

"It's not your fault, Steve," Natasha says.

Steve stays silent because he knows that's not true but he doesn't have the energy to argue.

Natasha knows that she won't be getting any help from Steve right now. Maybe in a week when the shock settles she might be able to motivate him. She turns to JJ next.

"JJ?" Natasha asks.

"There's no point, Nat. They're dead and they are never coming back. You're deluding yourself if you think any different. Now just leave me to face the fact that I am officially an orphan," JJ says bitterly.

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