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Diana's POV

"LIAM!" she yelled while storming into the office, while he looked at her nervously. I shifted my gaze to her, who's looking completely infuriated.

"B-Baby, I - " he stood up but was cut off by her.

"What baby, huh? I already told you that if you slack off even once, I'll call off the wedding!" she yelled.

She is Ava Carter, Liam's fiancée.

 "Morning, Ava," I greeted without trying to calm her down.

"Morning, Ms. CEO," she greeted with a smile and glared at Liam, who gulped in fear. I just looked back on my laptop. I heard her sigh and sat in front of me. I looked at her with a blank face.

"You need something?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you and," she turned to Liam and said sternly," You are going back to work." Liam nodded and was out of my office in a flash.

 "Yes?" I asked.

"Did something happen to you? Like in the past?" she asked me curiously.

My heart accelerated at her words. I clenched my fist onto the file I was holding. My mind went blank, recollecting all the memories of the biggest devil of my life. Tears were unconsciously filling my eyes.

"OMG! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to ask you something like that. Please don't cry," I heard her panicked voice and was snapped out of my thoughts.

"I-I am not crying," I said and turned my head to blink my tears away.

"I am woman too. I clearly understand what you are feeling. Please consider me as a friend and share with me, what's bothering you?" she asked, holding my hands softly. I sighed and looked at her.

"I-I..." I trailed off and looked down. She pressed my hands with pleading eyes. I looked at her and sighed again. "I-I don't k-know how to s-say this," I said truthfully.

"Do you trust me?" she asked me softly. I looked at her and nodded slowly.

"Then tell me. Maybe I can help," she said.

I chuckled bitterly and asked, "Can you bring back the dead?" She gasped at my words.

"Y-You lost s-someone?" she asked.

"I lost m-my b-baby," I said while tears clouded my eyes.

"What?" she whispered in disbelief. "How?" My tears fell. I couldn't control it. After all these years, I still feel hurt by the fact that the person I love the most is the reason behind my loss.

Author's POV

"And then I came here," Diana said. Ava gasped, hearing her story. She felt crying due to the emotions present in her story. With a heavy heart, Diana looked at Ava with teary eyes.

"I-I am s-sorry," Ava said. Diana shook her head, wiping her tears.

"It's not your fault," she said with a cracking voice.

"It must hurt, hmm?" she asked with eyes, pitifully looking at her.

"More than being tortured in hell," she answered.

"Diana, can you tell me his name? I'm going to rip his fucking head off," she said, angrily.

"No, Ava. He doesn't deserve to see us anymore," Diana's heart clenched while saying.

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