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Club @ 9 p.m.

Laura's POV

I and my husband are here at the club.

Well, we live by gambling but I can't let our two princesses know that we don't do normal work or else they will force us to stop this and let them work, which we can't. Brayden and I promised their parents - Grayson and Eva - that we will always take care of their daughters and we will certainly stand by it.

We settled on a roulette table and started playing. As usual, our lucks have been on our side. We won a great amount of money.

"Honey, let's go back. The girls will be waiting for us," I said.

"Laura, Diana is going to graduate tomorrow. Let's get some more money so that it will be easy for her," my husband replied.

"We will come tomorrow in the evening, okay? Let's go for now," I said and dragged him out.

Alex's POV

I played almost two games of rummy and as always... I won. As I was about to leave, my eyes laid on a couple who looked like they have won all the games they played.

I smirked and thought, 'Players? Those are people I like to play with.' Before I could tell my man to call them for a round, they left for downstairs.

"Mark, go and get details about that couple," I said and indicated towards the couple, who were going downstairs.

"Okay, sir," he replied. I sat back on the table with a glass of whiskey, slowing gulping it down. Mark, my man, came to me.

"They are the Harvey couple. Names - Brayden Harvey and Laura Harvey. They play here almost everyday," he informed.

"Okay," I nodded, "get other information by tomorrow," I said. Mark nodded. I stood up and fixed my coat before heading downstairs. I found everyone, except Maggie and Zane, wasted at the bar. I shook my head and went over to them.

"You aren't drunk yet?" I asked Maggie as I sat beside her.

"I don't get drunk in just five shots of vodka," she said and gulped another shot in a flash.

"That's fast!" I remarked.

"Let's get their drunk asses home ~ " she said and lifted Adam to stand up. Zane held Eden as we walked out of the place.

We went back, wanting to end the day and lie on our comfy beds soon.

Diana's POV

I and Belle are currently in my room, watching a movie.

I and Belle are currently in my room, watching a movie

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Love DreamsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ