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Diana's POV

"Let's go. It's time for the wedding," Alex said with gritted teeth and started dragging me away. I looked back to see tears in Belle's eyes.

Honestly, I missed her badly, like very badly. I looked ahead, not wanting to cry but I received weird stares from the people. I looked down while letting Alex do whatever he wants to.

Mr. Walker's POV

I sighed at my son's rude behavior. No matter how much efforts I pay to erase his hate towards me, he never pays a heed to it and misbehaves every time. I know he has a reason to do so.

"Why does he have to act like that all the time? Why doesn't he forget it?" I asked myself.

"Somethings can't be forgotten. He was just 5 at that time. It's obvious for him to react in this way. He'll soon be fine," she said and rubs my back.

"You would always take his side. If it was me, I would have broken his bones my now," I said, glaring at Alex, who's dragging Diana towards the aisle.

Diana's POV

It was supposed to be uncle, who would walk me down the aisle but seems like mafia's don't seem to care about rituals.

I used to fancy mafia life but now... I hate it to the core of my heart.

"Will you take forever?" he asked the priest rudely. We were the subject of whispers by now. I looked at everyone, embarrassed but this heartless jerk doesn't seem to care at all.

"A-Alex, d-don't be rude to the p-priest," I tried to talk some sense into him.

"You don't teach me what to say and what to not," he replied coldly.

"And you, are you waiting for any special invitation? Start already," he talks to the priest rudely again.

"At first is the exchange of rings," the priest announced. An oddly familiar girl, clad in a white dress, comes with the rings. I and Alex take each other's rings. My mind was screaming to me to run away right now but my legs were frozen at the spot.

I looked at Alex with teary eyes, asking him to stop all this but he extended his hand to make me slid the ring in his finger. I did it with my uncontrollably trembling hands. A few tears escaped but I let them as I didn't care now. He aggressively grabbed my hand and made me wear the ring without any hesitation. He looked at the priest, signaling him to proceed.

"Do you Alex Walker, take Diana Harvey, to be your wedded wife? To be with her always and stand by her, no matter what? To hold her hand tightly in all walks of life? To love her, cherish her till death do you apart. Do you?" the priest asked him.

"Yes, I do!" he answered with a smirk. He said it so casually like he doesn't care. Well then, even I don't!

"Do you Diana Harvey, take Alex Walker, to be your wedded husband? To be with him always and stand by him, no matter what? To hold his hand tightly in all walks of life? To love him, cherish him till death do you apart. Do you?" the priest asked me.

"Yes, I d-do," I said out hesitantly. Only god knows how much I wanted to say 'I object!'

"I hereby pronounce you man and lady. You may now kiss the bride," the priest announced.

Okay, I was mentally prepared for this. He smirked at me and pulled me by the waist. His lips found mine but the kiss was rough. I couldn't help but stumble a bit. I looked anywhere but him blankly. He pulled out after eternities.

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