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It has been two days since that incident. Diana had stopped speaking to anyone except 'yes', 'no', and 'okay'. All she would do is stare at the open window in the room while looking at the sky. Alex sent Zane and Maggie to her since they are close to her, but no vail.

"Diana!" Alex lost it, making her flinch and fisted the bedsheets tightly. He has been trying to get her out of the room since last half an hour. He lifted her up in bridal style and walked out while the latter tried to free herself from him.

Not being able to do anything, she broke down into tears. She hid her face in the crook of his neck, crying her heart out. She had been forced by Alex too, but what Aaron did was different. She felt disgusted by his touch, which surprisingly doesn't occur when Alex touches her.

Alex brought her to the backyard, which has a beautiful garden and sitting arrangement too. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, best for mental health.

He climbed down the stairs and sat on one of the couches with Diana on his lap, still crying in his arms

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He climbed down the stairs and sat on one of the couches with Diana on his lap, still crying in his arms. He just sat there without moving since he didn't know how to comfort her. "I am sorry for leaving you alone," he muttered, looking at her broken state. His hands made his way to the back of her head, patting in occasionally.

"A-Alex, he- he tried t-to- "

"Shh! Don't mention about him!" Alex closed his eyes and leaned against the headrest.

After about good fifteen minutes, Diana calmed down. She was about to stand up when Alex wrapped his arms around her waist. She looked at him who has his eyes closed. His peaceful face indicated that his action was done in sleep. She looked closer to notice the black bags under his eyes, and the paleness on his face. "Was he w-worried for m-me?" she thought, but shrugged it off. "He's a monster too. I hate him!"

Diana unwrapped his arms, and stood up. She looked around, only to get fascinated by scenery. Her stomach grumbled, making her sigh. Looking at the outhouse, she smiled and walked inside to the pantry. She found a packet of chips and a can of cherry coke, making her smile wider. It has been days since she had a proper meal due to keeping everything inside.

She sat by the island and started enjoying her food, while looking at the garden where different types of birds flew. She looked at the television and realized that it has been months since she last watched TV. She grabbed the remote control before getting back to her place. Turning on the TV to news, her favorite, she munched on the chips.

"The Lee family has reported the missing of their only son two days ago. The police has found no new evidence even though it has has been 48 hours!" the female reporter said as Diana sipped the coke. "Mr. Aaron Lee has been missing- " Diana choked on her drink as she heard the name that she hated the most recently. Her breath turned heavy as she looked at the familiar face.

Diana heard someone turning the television off, and herself being pulled into a warm embrace. Not caring who it was, she clutched his shirt while panting heavily like someone just choked her. "Shh! Calm down! He's not here!" Alex whispered in her ears as he felt her calm down slowly. "No one will harm you now!" he promised, pushing her face in his chest.

Time Skip

Like these another week passed. Diana had a little improvement about her social skills, but would still flinch at everyone's touch except Alex's. He would feed her, read her books in the backyard, help her with her bruises, even bathed her once. Somehow, he considered himself the culprit and blamed himself for her condition.

I know you're thinking where is this coming from?

It's just Diana attracted Alex in a way no other girl ever did. Her innocence and simplicity attracted him like a bee to nectar. He couldn't help but taste that sweet nectar, only to get addicted to her, and that addiction slowly turned into something more beautiful. Not that he didn't regret scarring her. He had whip lashed himself for what he had done to harm her pure soul. His back has long marks of whip, but no one ever knew.

Alex would do anything to get back, the feisty yet obedient Diana back. He wanted her to smile like that day. Her laugh calms him down. He would usually kiss her in her sleep, not wanting to make her uncomfortable when she's awake.

On the other end, it wasn't that Diana didn't notice her husband's actions. She has been touched by his actions too, but the past keeps scaring her more. She never knows when he will be back to the same Alex who used to 'punish' her.

"I hate you!" she thought, but her heart always tells the otherwise.

One Week Later

Diana had successfully recovered from all the bruises, not leaving a single mark. She had sessions with a female psychiatrist, trying to forget the traumatizing incident. She had shown great results. All the efforts were not going in vain though.

Alex had continued treating her more 'humanly'. He removed all the rules he imposed on her. She would always sleep before he comes back, giving him chances to stare at her face without getting noticed.

The two were unknowingly falling for each other into the labyrinth of love.


A short chapter

Sorry :)

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