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Diana's POV

Fear rushed into me. "B-Belle," I whispered.

"Mhmm. Try me," he said with this all serious look which made me gulp. I dropped the idea to and stood there on the ice cold tiles.

"A-Alex, why are you doing this to me?" I asked while curling my toes as a reflex to the cold.

"You like to dance, hmm, then dance. The stage's all yours, and I'll be glad to be the spectator," he said. I wanted to shout and yell at him but the thought of Belle being in danger made me lose it all. "If you're going to stand, it's okay," he said with an uninterested look.

"Alex, let me go please. You have played with me enough," I tried to put some sense into this psycho.

"You still didn't learn your lesson, did you?" he said, ignoring my statement.

"I have staked enough of my self respect. Let me go!" I said, trying my best not to yell. He laughed, making me look at him with confusion and anger. He stopped and looked at me sharply. If looks could kill I would have been dead by now and even buried.

"That's what you get when you disobey me," he said seriously. I shivered as I felt my soles getting numb due to cold. I stood there still to break the ego of this arrogant man in front of me. After fifteen minutes of silence, I couldn't stand anymore. I fell on my knees, crying my heart out. There's no way this monster is going to let me go.

"Oh my god! Where did that Diana go? The one who was acting all strong a moment ago?" he asked in a sarcastic tone and a fake surprised look. I look at him with an 'I beg you' face. "That's were you're vulnerable and helpless. It sooths me soo much to see you like this, Diana Harvey... no, no, wait! You aren't Harvey anymore, " he smirked, "you are Mrs. Walker now." I felt so disgusted when he called me as 'Mrs. Walker'. More tears fell down my cheeks.

The door busted open, revealing Zane, Eden, Mr. and Mrs. Walker and an unfamiliar man with the words 'worry' and 'concern' painted all over their faces. I and Alex looked at them.

"BOO!" Zane yelled and ran towards me. He held my shoulder and looked at me with worry. "Boo, what happened?" his voice cracked a bit.

"Diana! Are you okay, my child?" Mrs. Walker asked me with concern.

"Zane, Aunty," It came out as a barely audible whisper.

"Zane, take her upstairs. And Mary, follow her," Mr. Walker said to Zane and his wife.

I was in no state to answer any questions or even speak something. Zane helped me get to the floor but I instantly fell down due to the numbness of my legs and knees. He lifted me up in bridal style as I looked at a completely pissed off Alex, shooting glares in our direction.

I ignored him and looked away. Zane led me to my room, followed by Mrs. Walker. Making me comfortable on the bed, Zane took his leave and left me with Mrs. Walker.

Alex's POV

The sight of Diana in the arms of Zane made me completely pissed off. She is my toy, mine. No one but only I have the right to touch her or do whatever I want.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Alex?" I heard dad ask me with anger. I looked at him. "You never kept a girl after using her. So why now? Why are you doing this to her? What did she ever do to you?" he yelled.

"You lost the right to ask me that since the day you killed mom! At least, I'm not killing my wife like you did," I answered. I heard Eden and Adam sigh sharply.

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