What really happened

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The only thing chase doesn't know about me is one thing that I haven't told anyone and there is no way he knows it.

??: - "does your boyfriend know about this?"

He showed me a picture

How does he have that?! How does he have that picture?! No?!!
What the hell?! Where did he get that?!

??: - "you ready to corporate now?"

...Chase cannot find out about this... he'd kill me. I know he will, it's a secret I've told nobody except my parents and I know he will freak out for not telling him.

I slowly nodded

??: - "great gorgeous, let's get started"

He came up to me and kissed me

~End of flashback~

I told chase the truth... but not the full truth, I was blackmailed into cheating on him.

I didn't lie... i did cheat on him and I'm not Proud of it... it's not like I didn't have a choice? I chose cheating on him over telling him my secret. I know if I tell him the secret he won't forgive me.

One thing I do know is that he would forgive me for cheating, and I know it might sound like I'm taking advantage of the fact that he is so forgiving towards me but I'm not

This secret will ruin us.
I'd rather cheat on him then tell him.

I have no idea how that random person figured it out. I have no idea how that random person knew me, my life.

He seemed familiar in a way.
I think I knew him? His voice, his face, it all seemed so familiar.
I just really hope he doesn't come back for me, I left when I got the chance.

After... we finished... he was asleep and his arms were around me so I slowly took them off of me.

I remember feeling disgusted, in myself. In that man, who would blackmail someone for sex? Why would he want that? I mean, I get why someone would do it for money. But he wanted a night with me. That is just wrong.
He could have asked for anything, why that?

Chase: "I think I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight if that's okay..."

I nodded slowly

Charli: "yeah... okay..."

I wish he'd be more mad at me, what I did was completely wrong and I deserve to at least be yelled at.

I grabbed his hand

Charli: "listen... I know things between us are gonna be weird for awhile... but I just want you to know that I'd never do anything to hurt you on purpose and I'm sorry and even though sometimes I'm mean to you, it's always a joke and I love you and-"

He covered my mouth

Chase: "I know Charli. You don't have to keep apologizing. I know you're sorry and I know this was just a mistake."

He sat next to me

Chase: "and if it really means the st much to you then Il sleep beside you tonight, I just wanted some time to think but I have nothing to think about."

I smiled

Charli: "thank you Chase..."

He laid down next to me
I then heard a knock on the door

Am I crazy or was that real?

Charli: "you heard that too right?"
Chase: "yeah..?"

We both stood up and walked over to the door
I saw a note on the ground-

Charli: "you see that too dont you?"

He slowly nodded
I picked it up and opened it

"Too bad you had to leave in such a hurry, I had fun tonight Charli. I really hope we can see each other more often.

Love - your secret admirer"

Told you things weren't how they seemed.
Charlis got a secret, what could it be.
You guys better not guess it, Il cry if you do.

Looks like the stalker was real all along? Makes you think, was Charli ever really hallucinating?

Word count - 1063

Love affair | ChachaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang