
884 41 14

                      ~Chapter 41~

⚠️Mentions of r@pe⚠️

Chases POV:
It was 9 years ago. Charli and I were still together. Sarah, she would drug my water randomly, drag me into a closet and rape me. I stopped bringing water to school but she would always sneak it in somewhere. Once I finally got the courage to talk about it to someone, I went to my guidance Counsellor. I told him everything that happened to me, he didn't believe me. Nobody did. My principal, my teacher. Nobody believed me. I never told Charli because I didn't know if she would believe me. What if she thought I was just cheating on her? I never told anyone ever again.

The only reason I know all this is because I know someone who saw it happen. Justin. He told me who it was and I figured out why I was having random blackouts.

I obviously asked him to tell the teachers what he saw but he wouldn't.

She stopped after 3 months. She had a boyfriend. Justin. Even though he knew all the things she did to me, he still wanted to date her. I think he even might have found it funny and who knows maybe that's why he wanted to date her. He hated me after I started dating Charli, he didn't care what happened to me.

Nobody but me and Justin know the truth about Sarah.

Sarah Hendy is a Rapist.

Sarah: "shut up Chase, I did not rape you."

She did.

Chase: "I was never the same after you did that to me"
Sarah: "why do you even care?? It's not like you were even awake when I did it??"

I still knew it was happening?!
Why is she still making excuses??

I held back my tears

Chase: "do you know how it feels to be raped?"

My voice kept breaking

Sarah: "no..?"
Chase: "exactly. You dont know how long it took me to recover from that"

She rolled her eyes

Sarah: "how long."
Chase: "I never did."

She sighed

Sarah: "whatever. Nobody's gonna believe you."
Chase: "I never said I was gonna tell anyone."
Sarah: "then why are we even talking about this."
Chase: "I wanted an apology? Or something?"

Even though that will never fix what happened at least I know she felt remorse

Sarah: "apology? Chase listen, That was 10 years ago. I never and never will feel bad for what I did, I don't regret it and I don't care that you were traumatized. You're over reacting."

She walked away I felt tears roll down my face.

9 years ago

Charli: "hey chase?"

I looked down at her

Chase: "yeah?"
Charli: "is something wrong with you? You seem off?"


Chase: "no I'm fine"
I smiled

Charli: "are you sure?"
Chase: "yeah i am sure"
Charli: "okay?"

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