The story of us

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~Chapter 151~
                   The story of us

Chases POV:
No no no no no no?! Dammit!
How could I do that?? I should have been paying attention to the road-
How much is this gonna cost me.

I looked over at Charli and she had waken up

Chase: "are you okay?? Are you hurt??"
Charli: "I'm okay thank you, what happened?"

I looked in front of me and my bumper was completely broken and the back of the car infront of me was destroyed

Chase: "I'm sorry, I may have crashed"

I took out my check book and got out of the car. How much will I have to pay this guy to fix his car?

He came out of his car

?? - "what did you do?!!"
Chase: "I am so sorry sir! Name your price. Please."
?? - "this is gonna cost you thousands."

Thousands... I barley have enough to pay my rent but will I pay for this...

Chase: "okay"

I started writing down the number and Charli came out of the car

Charli: "this doesn't look good"
?? - "No shit Sherlock"

He rolled his eyes-

Chase: "don't speak to her like that."
??: - "you're only job is the write that check and give it to me?? I'm alright late for work?! Now look what you did??"

It was an accident. It's not like I did it on purpose. Though, I admit I should have been paying more attention to the road. Look what I did? Not only did I crash but now I have to pay for my car and somebody else's. This is just great isn't it.

Charli: "here you go sir."

She gave him a check-

No no no? I can pay??
I made the mistake not her??
I'm taking that back

Chase: "no give that back. I'm paying"
??: - "hell no, I'm keepthing this"

How much even is it??
I can pay it back to her?

Chase: "how much did she give you?"

He showed me the check- oh my god-

Charli: "I hope that makes up for your time and your car sir"
??: - "you bet your ass it does"

Uhhhh! No. I've told her already so many times that I don't like it when people give me money. I'm not a charity case... I mean obviously i appreciate the action... but it makes me look poor and pathetic- which I sorta am- but that's not the point. I'm an adult i have my own money

He walked away and got in his car

Chase: "why would you do that Charli??"
Charli: "because you're being nice to me, I thought I'd return the favor"

I'm driving her home?? She's paying for a car crash that I caused costing her thousands of dollars. That doesn't sound even to me

We got back in the car

Charli: "why did you crash? Did you not see the car in front of you or something?"

No I didn't see it because I was distracted

Chase: "I was distracted by the view"

Technically I'm not lying

She nodded

Chase: "look... I really appreciate you paying for that because it really does help me out a lot..."

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