There's no turning back

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~Chapter 198~
There's no turning back

Charlis POV:
I want to be happy. I deserve to be happy. that's right I said it, I finally said it. I deserve to be happy. For the longest time I told myself I don't deserve happiness, I'm that awful of a person.

I only recently figured out that I do deserve happiness. I deserve a happy ending because I have been through hell and back. I've had enough suffering? I'm done with the suffering. I have to start living and frankly, I don't care what people have to say about me getting married.

I want to get married and I want to live a drama free life. No more murdering, no more on and off relationships, no more fights. Just a normal life. A happy one.

Fernando: "Tomorrow?? You sure we can do that??"

Yes I am sure. I can hire people to do the stuff

Charli: "could you go on online and call the place we are having the wedding at, the band, the decorator, the priest and whoever else you can think of?"
Fernando: "that's a lot- what are you gonna do?"

Does he wanna get married or not?

Charli: "I'm getting my dress of course"
Takes a lot of work.

Fernando: "that's it?"

Yes that's it?

Charli: "well do you want me to look ugly?"
Fernando: "no?"
Charli: "then yes that's it."

I have 4 already but i don't like those ones anymore. Plus now I'm rich so I get to buy expensive ones.

I quickly walked out the door and into the car
I started the car then started driving

As I passed a certain someone's house I thought about him.

Do I tell him... do I tell him I'm getting married? That would for sure hurt him... that's what I wanted right?

Alright I'm gonna stop thinking about this. I have to go wedding shopping.

I arrived at a dress store and walked inside the store. I started looking for a dress. I grabbed a few that I liked and tried them on.

I wish I had friends so I could ask for an opinion.

I put on the last one I had and looked in the mirror...
Perfect. This is the one. Long white bottom with a long sleeve lace floral top.
It's not too much but not too little. I love it.

I'm taking this one.

I took the dress off and laid it down on a bag. I went up to the front desk and paid for it. I took the bag and walked back to the car.

Chases POV:
I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't even know what to think. What is my purpose in the world? Do I even have one? I only ever wanted to make people happy and if I have made anyone, even just 1 person happy, then I've done my job... but i don't even know if I have? I destroy everyone I touche. So who have I made happy? No one. I have no purpose and all I am is a burden. Why am I trying to be happy when I don't deserve it? I'm a horrible person

I heard a knock on the door, I stood up and looked in the mirror. My eyes were red.
I wiped my eyes so it wouldn't look like I had been crying.
I walked over to the door and opened-

Charli: "hey Chase..."

What the hell?? Why is she here? I told her I didn't love her anymore? How many times will she keep coming back?
Did that not do the job? Does she not believe me?

Chase: "Charli. Do you wanna come in? Want something to drink?"

Maybe today wasn't such a good day to tell her I don't love her. She's already having a horrible day after Bo died... I guess that makes the both of us...

Charli: "no thanks... I just came- I came to tell you something... I know it wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you..."

Is this serious?

Chase: "okay?"

She looked down at the ground

Oh. It is.

Charli: "I'm- I'm getting married..."

Did I just hear that correctly?
She's joking right? It's a joke?

I laughed

Charli: "why are you laughing..."
Chase: "because that was a joke? It was a joke. Right??"

I saw her eyes start to water then I realized she wasn't joking

Chase: "no- no you can't- you can't get married again? Charli it's been a day? This is a bad idea??"

She's been dating Fernando for a day?? She hasn't even given herself the time to realize it's a phase?? By the time she does it will be too late?!

I always thought I'd be the one to marry her...

Charli: "Im doing this Chase... there's no turning back... the weddings tomorrow..."

Tomorrow?! What the hell?? That's too soon!

Chase: "why are you telling me this then... to hurt me? Why? To prove you're moving on with your life while Il be stuck behind all alone?"

I don't understand why she'd come here unless she wants me to convince her to not get married

Charli: "I came to tell you because I love you and at the end of the day no matter what you do... or how badly you hurt me... you're still my family..."

I am...?

Chase: "I know you're hurting Charli but you don't have to do this..."
Charli: "I do... and I want to... I'm sorry Chase."

This can't be happening... she can't be getting married...

Charli: "i'm inviting you to the wedding. But I'd understand if you wouldn't wanna come..."

Why exactly would I ever want to come to her wedding?? I know this is a huge mistake for her? She's gonna regret it for the rest of her life, how can I watch that?

Wait actually-

Chase: "Il be there love... Il be there"

And Il do everything In my power to stop that wedding.

Omg omg omg this is the second last chapter. 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last chapter. Get ready.

I'm about to write it right now and I'm prepared to cry. It's gonna be a lot longer than these chapters.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's stayed with me during this book, Il give everyone a proper thank you at the end of the last chapter

Chapters left - 1
Word count - 1074

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