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~Chapter 86~
Chases POV:
I can't believe she's been caught...
I can't help but to blame myself... I mean it's partially my fault right? I don't know what happened but I know that I gave the people working against Charli evidence that she never really loved him.

I know I shouldn't blame myself but I do and I always will because of what I did.

I don't think she blames me... so maybe I should just try to stop blaming myself...

If I'm being honest, I'm scared for her.
I know she's a great lawyer but she killed someone? And the person she killed was rich? And she inherited all his money. It definitely isn't looking good for her.

I can't just let her be in jail her entire life? I'm not just scared for her, I'm scared for me? I can't lose her. Il feel guilty every day of my life knowing that I'm out here living my life while she's stuck in jail.

I really hope she wins... I will
Try my best to explain all the terrible things Alexander's done to her.

I know I'm all she has right now so I will be here for her. Through everything no matter what.

I got in my car and started driving to the court we were gonna be at Tomorrow.

I arrived at the court and I parked the car. I laid down in the backseats and I fell asleep

I woke up the next morning ready for the day to begin. I sat up and got out of the car.

Wait what time is it?

I checked my phone- 9am??

Im late?! Ok. Only by a few minutes.
I quickly ran inside the court room and I sat down on charli's side of the room.

I looked around at all the people defending Alexander and I felt sad.

Why are the defending such a terrible person? I hope by the end of this they'll know who the real Alexander was.

I looked at Charlis side and it was completely empty. I was the only person there.

She really has no friends or family willing to defend her? Seriously? This is sad

A bunch of officers came through the doors with Charli-

Why does she have a black eye- what has she done- she's been in jail for not even a day??

How does she still manage to look beautiful when she's in that horrible orange jump suit and her hairs a mess?

They brought her into her seat at the front and door off her handcuffs

I walked up to her and sat beside her
Everyone started booing when they saw her

I could tell she was disappointed
I would be to if I were her? She's been physically harassed for years now and all they see is a murderer.

I looked at her and took her hand

Chase: "I wish they could see you the way I do."

these narrow minded people only see a murder when looking at her.

She smiled

Charli: "how do you see me"
Chase: "I don't see a murderer, I see a victim."

I smiled

Charli: "you do?"
Chase: "this case is self defence and you were the victim. Not him. He may have been the one to die but he was never the victim"

She smiled

Charli: "thank you for being here with me, I know you may hate me but youre still here and I appreciate it.
Chase: "I don't hate you? Not at all. I could never hate you."

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