Il wait for you

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                   ~Chapter 93~
Il wait for you
Chases POV:
I thought we had a good time... I didn't know saying that I love her would ruin it? I know it, she knows it. Everybody knows it.

It's obvious. It's obvious I love her. I don't understand how she didn't know that. 

But how's that a bad thing?
I understand if she doesn't want to date me. I understand if she doesn't want us to be together but what I don't understand is why she's kicking me out for telling her I love her?

It's okay if she doesn't wanna say it back. I'm not gonna pressure her too.
I know she did love me once but that was months ago

People fall out of love, I get it.

Chase: "im sorry Charli? I didn't-"
Charli: "please just leave"

I would be a terrible friend if I left on her birthday

Chase: "you know what? No. I'm not sorry. I can't help my feelings for you? I can't stop myself from being in love with you? So I'm not sorry that I love you. I'm sorry that you weren't ready to hear it."

She looked down at the ground
I walked up to her and held her hands

Chase: "I know you aren't ready for us to be together again. But Il wait for you.
Il be here when you're ready. I would wait forever for you. Weather it's 5 days from now, 5 years from now or even 50 years from now. Il wait for you."

She slightly smiled

I don't care how long she takes, I just wanna be with her. No matter what.

Charli: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I overreacted. You're right, I am just scared. I'm scared that I'm gonna lose you, im scared that Il get hurt again and im scared that this will ruin our friendship."

What friendship?

Chase: "it's alright. We don't have to rush anything. I just want you to trust me but until than I think you're right. I don't think we can be together"

She nodded

She is right, it will take time for me to re gain her trust and until than we can't date because without trust what do we have.

Charli: "thanks for understanding"
She smiled

Chase: "I just want you to be happy"
Charli: "what would make me happy is if we did something for my birthday"

She wants me to stay?

Chase: "yeah? Whatever you wanna do?"
Charli: "let's go to the beach"

I nodded

Chase: "yeah okay, I just need to go home to get my bathing suit"

I need to get her a gift. I don't know what to get her though.
Something special.
Il find something

I walked to the door and grabbed my things

Chase: "See you later okay?"
Charli: "yeah okay"

I walked out of the house and got in my car. I started driving back home

I arrived back at my house and I walked inside.
I opened the door-

Oh my gosh I forgot about her-
I just cheated on her- I thought that Charli and I would be together so I thought it was okay-

Love affair | ChachaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora