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~chapter 87~
                          Guilty ?

Charlis POV:
she got her degree at 18? She's like 30. She must be a terrible lawyer.
these guys really want me to win don't they.
I wonder what she even has to say for herself, her kid just admitted that they think its okay his dad abused me. What kind of parent teaches their kid that's okay?

she stood up

Judge: "you may start questioning the defendant."
Patrica: "thank your honour"

she stood in front of my desk

Patrica: "tell me Charli, did you or did you not start dating this gentle man over here merely days after your husband died?"

Seriously. This is the weakest defence I've ever seen.

Charli: "I did."

Got nothing to hide, I don't feel bad.

She nodded

Patrica: "why is that?"
Charli: "Chase was there for me when I needed him, he made me happy."

What is she even trying to prove

Patrica: "didn't you feel bad that you started dating a new person days after your husband died?"

I shook my head

Charli: "no, I didn't feel bad."

Why would I?

Patrica: "so you didn't love Alexander?"
Charli: "speculation"

I looked at the judge

Judge: "overruled"
Patrica: "did you love Alexander?"

I shook my head

Charli: "I did not"

Everyone gasped

What's the surprise?? Did they think I'd love someone who abused me??

Patrica: "let me get straight to the point miss damelio. Why did you kill Alexander."

I stood up

Charli: "let me tell all of you why I did it. I killed Alexander because each and every day for 5 years he would yell at me and make me be his Servant and when I refused he would hit me or kick me. I never caught a break of him? We was a terrible person so I did the world a favor and I killed him."

Everyone gasped

Judge: "everyone please stop talking"

The people calmed down

Patrica: "why didn't you leave him?"

Because I wanted money

Charli: "because I was scared? I was scared what he would do if I tried to leave?"
Patrica: "why didn't you tell anyone what was happening to you."
Charli: "because I was scared he was gonna find out"

She nodded and walked up to the screen

Patrica: "let me show the people this"

She put a picture of my plan on the tv-

Patrica: "this is an exact play by play of how miss damelio killed her husband. This is indeed a case of first degree murder"

Yeah? Didn't everyone know that?

Patrica: "she killed her husband not because of the abuse but for the money."

I rolled my eyes

That was probably the worst case I've ever heard. It didn't even make sense and she proved nothing.

Charli: "your honour? Can I call up my witness?"
Judge: "yes"

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