The truth

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~Chapter 9~
                        The truth

Charlis POV:
Oh I wish things were that simple. I wish I could divorce his ass and go on with my life without him, without his stupid kids and without having to do EVERYTHING for EVERYONE. But I can't. If I told chase why, he won't see me the same.

Charli: "I can't Chase."
Chase: "why?!"

I sighed

Charli: "it's better if you don't know..."
Chase: "please just tell me love, I won't judge you"

Maybe I should just tell him. He isn't the type to judge.


Charli: "okay.. well.. the thing is, I signed a 5 year prenup, when the prenup ends.. I can divorce him and take half his money. But if I divorce him now.. I get nothing"

Like I said, he had a successful business a long time ago that gained him around 10 million. Il get half of that in some time. I just need to stay with him for a little longer and Il get the money.

Chase: "so.. you're telling me.. that you're with someone who physically and mentally abuses you.. for money??"

I nodded slowly

Chase: "divorce him. Il lend you money. Il even buy you a place if you don't wanna stay with me. I just don't want you getting anymore hurt then you already are"

Now usually I'd accept this deal within a second. But i would just take the money then ghost him and stay with my husband to get his money too. BUT, this is chase. I wouldn't do that to him.

Charli: "I can't ask you to give me money, you're having a kid and planning a wedding, taking your money would be selfish."
Chase: "it's okay. I have a lot left, when my family died they left me money. Il give it to you"
Charli: "are you kidding? No. I'm not taking your dead family members money?!"

Sometimes he can be a little too nice.

Chase: "I don't understand you! I'm giving you money and you still won't break up with him! What do you want from me!"
Charli: "I want nothing from you! Stop being nice! You don't owe me anything, and I won't let you give me anything."
Chase: "if you aren't gonna let me give you money, at least let me take you to my house"
Charli: "okay.. I suppose Il let you do that"
Chase: "thank you!"

I still can't understand why he cares so much about me.

He started driving

We eventually arrived at his house and we got out of the car.
We walked to the front door and he unlocked it.

Chase: "you can go upstairs, I just need to do a few things"

I nodded
I walked upstairs and into the room I was in before.
I sat down on the bed-

Blaire: "what are you doing back??"

I don't get what chase sees in this girl

Charli: "chase is letting me sta-"
Blaire: "first of all stop calling him Chase because his name is cole. Second of all I want you out"

His names chase. I don't give a fuck.

She left the room.
She left her phone in the room-


No. I'm not gonna look through it.

But this girl is so shady. Maybe I should look through it. You know, for Chase?

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