I did it

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  ~Chapter 59~
I did it

Chases POV:
God I can't believe I'm doing this.
I just keep digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole. If I keep going down this path Il be just like my past self.

Charli and I... aren't exactly on great terms right now... I mean it's not like we don't like each other... this stage is just really awkward

We aren't friends, we aren't dating, we aren't not friends? We aren't anything.

She's my one night stand / ex girlfriend/ love affair / girl I'm in love with / ex best friend / friend.

I guess that sorta fits our description.
Well now I can add one more things to the list "the girl I'm private investigating"

The only reason I'm doing this is for the money, Charli would understand that. It's basically free money right? Obviously Charli didn't do anything so all I gotta do is prove it. Il get her alibi without really asking for it. Il make sure she doesn't know I'm an insider.

I wonder how she's doing? Her husband died. Is that sad for her? I would understand why it wouldn't be. But I'd also understand why it would be. They were in love once, I think? So it is kinda sad for her

Chase: "okay well? When do I start?"
Patrica: "sooner you start, the more you get paid"

Wait really?

Blaire: "you better start now"
Chase: "okay yeah Il start now"

What am I even gonna say when I get there?

Chase: "what exactly am I looking for?"
Patrica: "just try to get as much information as you can about her"
Chase: "okay"

I waved goodbye and walked out the door. I got outside and went inside my car. I sat down and started driving.

I arrived at charlis house a few minutes later.

Im so nervous right now

I got out of the car and closed the door. I walked up to her front door and knocked

I waited a bit and someone opened the door

Took awhile-

I saw her and she was crying?
Hm. that's new

I guess she isn't okay

Charli: "oh- it's just you"

She stopped crying-

Hate to say it but Charlis looking a bit suspicious so far

Chase: "were you crying?"
Charli: "no, I thought you were someone else. I was fake crying"


Charli: "why are you here?"

What do I say?!

Chase: "um- just to check up on you"

She looked confused

Charli: "wait do you know?"
Chase: "know what?"
Charli: "about Alexander dying?"
Chase: "yeah I know"

She still looked confused

Charli: "how? Who told you?"

Oh no- what do I say?

Chase: "um, I saw it on the news"

Hopefully it was on the news-

Charli: "oh, okay that makes sense"


Chase: "so how are you doing?"
Charli: "I'm doing great, how about you?"

Okay- well I guess this is normal- since she was abused by him-

Chase: "I'm doing good thanks."

I looked at her and hugged her

Chase: "I'm sorry this happened love"
Charli: "don't be sorry, it's not your fault"

She let me in

Charli: "I'm getting a new place soon"

She is? Oh

Chase: "really? Why?"
Charli: "because I hate this house"
Chase: "oh, well how are you gonna pay for your new place"

I thought since he was dead she wouldn't get the money from the prenup, so how will she pay for that

Charli: "easy, with the inheritance money"

Oh- this isn't looking good for her- now it looks like she killed him so she could inherited his money- well it depends how much money.

Chase: "how much are you inheriting"
Charli: "all of it"

Yup, definitely looks like she killed him.

Charli: "I know why you are here Chase"

What? She does??

Charli: "you wanna know if I killed him"


Chase: "Charli I know you didn't, you wouldn't-"
Charli: "I did"

What?! Oh my god?? She killed someone?! What the hell- I didn't think she would do this?! Was it For the money??? There is No way she would do that. I don't believe it.

Chase: "y-you what?"

I backed away from her

Charli: "I did it and I don't regret it."

Um I think I'm just gonna go-

Chase: "charli he had kids? He was a dad?"

She looked offended
She walked up to me and grabbed me

Charli: "Are you kidding me Chase? I told you because I thought out of everyone you wouldn't judge me"


Charli: "he pushed me around like some servant, around other people he was fine. But alone, when he got mad he would beat me. He was just like my parents. I couldn't take it."

I signed

It's still wrong... he could have taken a 20 year sentence in jail instead of this... but I suppose she could say it was self defence...

I just can't believe she killed someone...

Chase: "Charli, you're a lawyer. You could win this case. You don't have to hide"

She could use ptsd and abuse to win the case.

Charli: "I inherited all this money, it doesn't make me look good. If I lose this case they'll send me in for first degree murder. I can't risk that? It's a lifetime in jail."

I guess she is right, She would need a really really good lawyer to win that case

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot?? What am I gonna say to them? I can't tell them she did it? It would ruin her life? I gotta come up with something else

Charli: "Thanks for trusting me Chase, I know I did a bad thing. But I promise I had a reason"

She looked at me and took my hand

Chase: "I understand love, it was self defence. He he trying to hurt you again right?"
Charli: "yup..."

I'm not gonna try to make her feel bad. She might have killed him but it wasn't murder. He was a bad person just like charlis parents. She's been abused her whole life and I wish I could have helped more.
Maybe he didn't deserve to die but at least now he's in a place a lot worse than jail

The drama starts Hehehehe

Surprisingly this book is still very high on the #chacha hashtag, it's number 3 so thank you!

Word count - 1061

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