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"Jesus Christ." I whisper as Louis lets go of my legs so I stand on my own two feet. The shower was still running, the water falling on my skin as I stand on my shaky legs. I hold on around his neck to steady myself a little bit.

"You okay?" He asks, holding his hands on my waist.

"Mhm." I nod, looking down at the water flowing down the drain. He chuckles a little before kissing the top of my head. I look up at him where he's smiling down at me. His wet hair slicked back on his head while he's all wet from the water.

I let go of his neck and turn around to grab the body wash. I squeeze some out into my hands and then into Louis's. I start to move it all over my body just as him before he grabs the shower head to wash it off again. He then turns it off and moves the shower curtain and steps out of the bathtub onto the soft rug below it. He handed me a towel before grabbing one himself. I wrapped myself in the warm soft towel and squeezed the water out of my hair the best I could. He gave me another one for my hair and I put my wet hair into it on top of my head.

Louis started to dry himself off while I walked over to the toilet to pee, got to stay sanitary. Earlier this morning we had moved over to my hotel room as I have all of my stuff here and it was easier to move his than mine. I had to shower, since we both just went to bed last night and I do not want smell all day. We decided to shower together so I could help him clean his wound without risking getting it infected.

That was the plan at least.

When I was done I walked over to the mirror to wash my hands and dry myself off as well. Louis hung up his towel and put on a pair of new boxers. He then walked over to me, placing himself behind me as I wiped my hand over the mirror to get the fog off it. He placed his hands on my hips, and when I stood up straight he moved them to my front and put his chin on my shoulder. His hair was everywhere after he dried it, so it tickled the side of my face a little.

I'm so glad we brushed our teeth before, or I bet I'd be able to smell his morning breath just circulating around me. He began to kiss on my shoulder, slowly moving to the crook of my neck, causing me to tilt my head to the side slightly so he could access it better.

All of today has just been so lovey-dovey, it feels a bit strange but there's nothing I'd complain about. We woke up to the sun peaking through the curtains of the window. We talked a little, joked a little and then moved over to my room where he has been all upon me all morning. It's like being on a honeymoon without getting married.

He left soft kisses to my neck before suddenly giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping away. I dried my body off and got into my underwear before getting my hair out of the towel, carefully squeezing out any extra water so it won't drip down my back. I walk out of the bathroom to grab some clothes and Louis follows shortly behind.

"Hey," He says as he gets over to the table in the corner, "Your phone's been blowing up, it's your dad." He says, looking over at me with his hand holding my phone out for me to take. I grab it from him with a confused face, unlocking it to reveal the texts.

I need you down in the lobby by 12:15, it's important


are you sleeping?

get down here, now.

When glancing up at the clock I notice it's 12:17 and he is probably waiting. We don't have anything planned but I don't think questioning him right now is the best way to go. I need to get down there and see what this is about, or I will just get him even more mad at me. I throw it on the bed and sit down by my suitcase, just ripping anything out from it so I ca get dressed.

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