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"okay, so they hit on you?" Alicia says through the phone as I dry my hair with a towel. I just finished my schoolwork and decided to take a shower. I glanced at the clock on my phone, 5:13 p.m.

"No, they didn't hit on me, but they came up to me and said hi" I explain. I hear a chuckle on the other end as I adjust the towel around my chest and walks out to my bag laying on the bed. I sit down and take out my moisturizer.

"Yeah, yeah, god you're so innocent Avery" she laughs. What? they were literally just being nice because they didn't recognize me. As far as I know, my dad could've asked them to talk to me.

"whatever" I say and lean back against the headboard.

"So.. what are you gonna be doing tonight?" she asks. I had no plans at all. Being in Spain seems fun and all but it's kinda chilly and what would I do alone?

"Nothing, like at all, I might watch a movie or something" I say and take the remote from the bed table. I turn the TV on and start looking for something interesting to be on.

"Oh come on! you need to do something else than to sit in your hotel room" She says.

"Hey! I have 5 months to do stuff, I have time" I start as I see grease is on. "Besides, it's cold out"

I feel a vibration against my ear.

"My dad is calling, I'm gonna call you back" I say and answer my dad.

"Hey Avery, are you at the hotel?" he asks, he sounds a bit stressed, almost out of breath.

"yeah, why?" I answer

"I forgot some papers that I need to get signed before the show, did you get one of my cards?" he asks. He had given me one of his room cards in case I would need anything from his room, or if i knew him correctly, he's scared of loosing his and then not getting inside.

"Yeah" I say.

"Good, can you go inside my room and get them from the table by the window?" He says. "You can stay for the show if you want to." Yeah because that would be SO fun.

"Sure, I just got out of the shower though, when is the show?" I ask and start to make my way to the bathroom to blow-dry my hair.

"It starts at 7, I need them before that" he says. I look at the time, it's 5:23. I have to hurry a bit.

"Okay how do I get there?" I ask.

"Just go down to the lobby and ask for a car, say that you're with the band and they'll take care of it" he says. "I need to go, see you in a bit" He says and hangs up. I have about an hour before I need to leave, and I have a LOT of hair to dry.

My hair took way too long. It took me almost 40 minutes to dry all of it, and it turned out so bad I had to braid it. I braided it from my neck all the way down to my lower back. I need a haircut honestly. I rushed out to my bag again and grabbed a pair of black, ripped, mom-jeans from my bag along with a big black t-shirt that I tucked under my bra so it cropped. I grabbed my makeup bag and went back into the bathroom. I added a few layers of mascara to my lashes and some clear lip gloss. I grabbed my jacket and put on my black vans, made sure I had my dads card, my own card, my phone and my wallet. I got out of my room and made my way down the hall.

I find the room 568 which my dad told me was his. I swiped the card in the door, it denies. I try again, red light. What? I try the other card, trying to see if i used the wrong card, still no success. Room 568, it's the room he told me? what if someone's in there thinking someone is breaking in?

"What are you doing sweetheart?" I hear a manly voice followed by a tall body walking up to me. I look up to see the curly haired boy who talked to me earlier, Harry. "I thought we said we'd meet tonight" he says with a big grin. Shouldn't he be at soundcheck? or is the whole band coming around the corner?

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