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Drinking is all fun until you have to deal with the consequences the morning after. You go to bed drunk, falling asleep immediately with your head blurry and everything spinning, you're out like a light switch. Then you just suddenly wake up at 7 AM, still dizzy as the alcohol hasn't really worn off yet, which means you need to get yourself to the nearest bathroom to probably empty your stomach from everything you had the morning before. 

You feel a bit better, the alcohol is out and you go back to sleep. The next time you wake up, by like 10 AM, it's the dehydration. Your head is pounding, your mouth is dry and you go right back to feeling ill. The dizziness and spinning has moved from your head all the way down to torture your organs for a little while. You kind of want to throw up again to feel better, like earlier, but since you already threw everything up, there's nothing more to get out of your body, so you just have to suck it up and deal with it. 

"You need some water?" Louis asks from somewhere in the room. I can't see him through the pillow I'm stuffing my face in to get the sunlight out of my eyes. Why did he have to pull the curtains? does he want me to feel worse?

"Yes, please! drug me with fluid replacement!" I whine through the pillow. Louis chuckles as I hear him walking around in the room. 

The bed dips beside me as I hear the sound of a glass being placed on the bedside table. Louis grabs the pillow, pulling it off of my face. I squint my eyes not to get any piece of the sunlight into my eyes. His lips leaves a quick kiss to my forehead before he slams the pillow down on m face again. 

"Thank you." I say quietly from under the pillow. 

"No problem." He says before I feel the bed rise as he's standing up from the mattress. 

I remove the pillow and look to the nightstand. There's a effervescent tablet in the water along with two painkillers on the side of the glass. I watch the last of the tablet dissolve before putting the little pill in my mouth, using the water to swallow it down. I take a few gulps of the water, now mixed with fluid replacement. 

"What are you doing today?" I ask, mainly to know if he's going out on any big missions I need to worry about. 

"We have a... thing, small one, later." He says, I look over to see him standing with his phone in his hand, typing on it. "You got anything to do?" He asks, not bothering to look over. 

"Well, a wild guess is that my dad wants to talk to me." I sigh, putting the pillow behind my head instead of over my face. 

Louis looks over at the mention of my dad. I kind of didn't want to bring it up because it brings up the fight we had yesterday, and we kind of have to talk about it sooner or later. I already know I'm going to let it slip this time, I've been mad about it and he obviously didn't mean it either. 

He put the phone back into the pocket of his black Adidas sweatpants before he walked over to the bed, sitting down by my legs with a heavy sigh. 

"Louis we don't have to talk about it-"

"We do," Louis interrupts me, "I was way out of line, I can't believe I even got the thought of saying something like that, you shouldn't have let it go so easily." He shakes his head. 

"You're right," I nod, "But you can't help it, you have your borderline and you didn't think you just did anything to get your point across. It hurt me, but I understand how it happened, and I saw how you regretted it right after so, we can let it go." I shrug. 

"Why are you letting me off the hook this easy, Avery?" He asks, almost like he found it annoying. 

"Oh, you're not off the hook." I shake my head, "If you say anything like that, about my mum, I can't do this with you anymore." 

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