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Make sure to play the clip when the ** show, it will be better I promise!

I was still sweating, 6 hours later. I threw up right after he left. I was still on edge, reacting to every sound coming from the hall, the other rooms and even the noises I made myself.

He probably just did all that to keep me quiet. But his method to keep me quiet certainly worked, I was terrified. I wouldn't want to end up pissing him off anymore, because who knows what he can do to me. Even though he might not kill me, nothing is stopping him from making my life really hard. His temper is nothing to mess with.

Any sane person would stay away from him.

My plan from now on is staying as far away from him as I can, the rest of the boys too for that matter. Liam does not seem to be as nice anymore. I didn't see Harry and Niall in there, I don't know if they're in on whatever that was, but I'm not taking any risks.

I'm pretty sure the voices in the room weren't just Liam and Louis talking to each other though. It sounded to be at least a third person in the room, maybe even a fourth. Their voices were lower and they didn't sound like any of the boys.

I have no idea what the hell they were talking about though, it sounded like they were trying to make a deal of some kind. I don't know what the gun was for. Do they use it to scare people or is it for protection? whatever reason I don't want to be any part of it.

I don't really know what I was expecting though, stars like them do what they feel like most of the time. Alcohol, drugs so why not own a gun? Maybe I shouldn't be surprised about them having guns too.

But their reaction is what I'm most suspicious about. Why would they react like that to me seeing a gun?

"Hellooo? earth to Avery?" Sophie interrupts my thoughts. I look up to her sitting on her bed. I had my legs up to my chest where I was sitting on a chair in the corner. "I have been talking for 5 minute have you been listening?"

"I'm sorry! I have a lot on my mind today" I say and rub my eyes before letting my knees down so I'm sitting properly. "What were you saying?"

"I was just rambling, do you have much school or?" She asks and stands up. I shake my head a little.

"No, I just have to sort my thoughts out" I say with a little chuckle to joke it away. She walks up to me so she's standing tall in front of me.

"Hey, what's going on?" she says lightly and sits down on her knees in front of me. I chuckle a bit uncomfortably.

"It's nothing, I'm just not used to being away from home, and now it's for 5 months" I explain, hoping she buys it. It's not entirely a lie though. Sophie looks at me with a bit of a suspicious look.

"No... It's something else" she states. "come on, you can tell me!" she puts her hands on my thighs. Sophie is so nice, but I know that she would go nuts about the boys having guns. I mean she already doesn't really like them, which I guess is kind of understandable. The thing is, they'll know if I tell Sophie because she would never be okay with it and hate them even more and make sure they knew, which would make them put two and two together.

"Really, it's fine" I say and shake my head. She just looks at me from where she's sitting in front of me.

"is it the boys?" she says, quieter than before. She looks at me with a serious look. I don't know what to say. Maybe she already knows what I know and was told to keep quiet. Her eyes flicker between mine. She looked really serious. I shake my head.

"No! no, it isn't" I say. I hope I sound persuasive enough. She just stands up and turns away. "I don't really want to talk about it," I added. She walks over to her suitcase lying on the floor and takes a blue hoodie out of it then grabs her jacket from the hanger. She looks over to me again

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