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I woke up to a knocking on my door. I looked over to the clock on the nightstand and it said 7 AM. I sighed and realized it was dad making sure I was getting up in time to be on the bus.

"I'll be up!" I yell back, not feeling like actually getting up to open the door to say it.

"Good" he says back and I hear his steps disappearing from the door. I sighed and rubbed my eyes to make them feel more awake. Every part of my body said to stay in bed, but sadly, I have to get a move on.

I sit up and walk to the bathroom where I let out the braid from last night before brushing my teeth. I decide to let my hair rest from always being up so I just leave it like that. I don't do my makeup because... unnecessary for a five hour bus ride.

I put on my grey sweatpants and a simple long-sleeved black shirt. I pack the few things I have around the room before I'm ready to go. I grab my stuff and step out into the hallway.

By the lift is Niall and Harry without any of their bags. Do they just not do anything themselves?

I sigh to myself as I slower my pace to minimize the amount of time I would have to stand around them. It is too early. I keep hoping someone else is going to show up too so I don't have to be in the lift all by myself with two morons.

I wasn't that lucky though, of course.

"good morning pumpkin! slept alright?" Niall says, probably trying to make an impression of my dad. It was a horrible impression, horrendous.

"Aren't you tired of that nickname yet?" I mutter as I stay a few feet away fro them to wait.

"Never" Niall says with a smirk. I sigh and try to rub the sleep out of my eyes some more. Hopefully I can sleep on the bus.

The door opens and we walk into it. I stand at the very back with my back against the wall, Niall places himself next to me and Harry in front of me with his back towards me. He presses the button to the ground floor before the lift starts to go down.

"So you're coming to the party in Nashville" Harry asks, not even turning around to look at me.

"No." I say without a second thought.

"Why not?" Niall asks like he's offended by it.

"I told you," I say "It's illegal."

"We told you they don't care" Niall says.

"Doesn't make it less illegal" I respond, leaning my head back against the wall and close my eyes.

"well so is hiding a criminal" Niall says. I open my eyes and quickly turn my head to Niall who just shrugs.

"You're an idiot Niall" Harry sighs.

"you're right" I nod "I should tell someone right?" I add sarcastically.

Harry turns around to me, leaning his shoulder against the wall on my side. He looks down into my eyes seriously.

"well..." he says quietly "Are you, Avery?"

Quickly, the pit in my stomach is back. I shake my head as I hear Niall snicker next to me. Harry looks up to give him a quick glare making him stop before he looks back at me.

"No." I reply shortly "I was just kidding because..."

"You don't ever talk about what you've think you've seen, ever!" Harry says, holding a finger between us pointing at me. His eyes flicker between mine in seriousness.

"I won't" a whisper is the only thing I manage to get out.

"good" he mutters "you don't know what you think you saw"

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