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My eyes fluttered open by the sound of a loud knocking. It took me some moments trying to decipher where I was. There was a dim light shining with a warm light over the room. I tried ti remember what I was doing last night. I remember falling asleep in my room then being woken up by Louis. He needed my phone and...


Oh god. 

My eyes go wide as I look up around the room. I see Louis sitting slouched in one of the armchairs, leaning his head on his hand so his cheek is pushed up towards his eye. He opens his eyes in startle and look confused around the room. His eyes stop at me before shooting to the door as another loud knock is heard from the other side of the barrier. I sit up on the bed as he stands up from his chair and walks over to the door. 

"I'm awake!" he yells through the door, but doesn't open it. 

"Okay perfect! but do you have a towel? all mine are wet!" Niall yells through the door. 

"Why the fuck won't you ask the reception?" Louis asks. 

"Don't have time!" he yells back. 

"Dude, how are they even all wet?" He asks, still not opening the door. 

"You don't wanna know" You can hear the smirk on Niall's face. 

"You're right, give me a moment..." Louis sighs before hurrying into the bathroom and grabbing one of his towels.

He walks up to the door and opens it slightly before sticking just his hand holding the towel out for Niall to take. Niall grabs the towel and Louis closes the door. 

"Wow, rude." Niall says. "You haven't dried your balls with this have you?" 

"No, Niall! It's unused now piss off will ya?" Louis rolls his eyes my way and I chuckle quietly so Niall won't hear it. 

"Okay, okay" Niall says as his steps start to disappear down the hallway. 

Louis shakes his head as he walks back into the room and collapse on his stomach on the bed, his face buried in the sheets around him. I heard him breathe deeply to get oxygen through the fabrics. He must have slept horribly in that chair. 

I glance over at the clock and see it's already 6:30. We're supposed to be on the bus in thirty minutes and I'm not even sure if I packed my bag yet and I need to get ready. 

"You could have woken me up" I murmur as I push the duvet off of me. 

"I was kinda sleeping" his muffled voice sounds from where he's laying. 

"No... I mean last night" I say. 

Louis looks up, his fringe falling messy over his forehead. He stands up to stretch before he looks back to me again. 

"You were sleeping when I got back, I already woke you up and it didn't really matter if you just slept here, I had to sort files anyway" he says, his morning voice causing a bit of a rasp. 

"Oh... alright" I nod carefully. "Thanks... for not waking me up" 

"No problem" he says. "Harry didn't find anything last night but he will continue to look into it, try to break through some firewalls" 

I nod, not really knowing what to say. I barely know what is going on except that someone is sending me weird threats and leaving dead birds in beds. 

I need to pack and change, I can't travel in my duck shirt. I stand up from the bed I was sitting on and looked around to see if I had anything else there I had to bring. I look around the room that is way cleaner now than it was last night. My phone was on the table so I walked over and took it and put it back into my pocket. 

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