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"Okay I see him." Zayn says from the drivers seat. "Get out there, do the thing and come right back here, we don't have time to play around." 

"Okay go!" Liam says and opens the door. Me, Niall and Harry quickly follow him. 

We hurry to the back of the car and bring out the black bags and started walking across the field over to the shed where we said we'll meet. There were two guys there, they look both tall and muscular. They were in all black clothing and both of them turned their head as we approached them. 

My gun was tucked in my jeans, loaded and ready for me to whip out if needed. It was hidden by my big black hoodie so they would not suspect I had it so closely. They'd be stupid to suspect that we aren't armed anyway. 

As we got closer to them I notice the big black bags in front of them. This trade should seem easy for them, exchange the bags and barely any words then we're done here, almost like it never happened. Sadly for them, that's not how it's going to go. It's funny knowing you're one step ahead, that this will come as one big surprise to them. 

I feel like Santa Claus. 

We arrive to the shed, Liam and Harry drop the bags in front of them and put their hands in their pockets. The other guys mimic their body language and put their hands in their pockets too. They try to act relaxed but I see how they're still tense. I see a vein in one of the guys neck. One of them didn't have any hair and the second one had a literal mullet. 

"Everything's in there?" The bald guy asks. 

"Yup, like the deal. I suppose you're following it up?" Liam replies, nodding to the bags by their feet. 

"Like the deal." The bald guy nods. 

"Check it." I say, looking to Harry and Niall. 

They both move the bags we brought over to the other guy and then drag the others over to the side to zip them open. Me and Liam stay in front of the others, making sure they're not pulling anything. They both look over to others checking the bag, I see the mullet guy clench his jaw. 

"Nervous?" I ask, letting a smirk go up my face. He looks over to me again. 

"Not at all, it's all in there." He says. 

"Yeah, well... we'll see." I say, tilting my head to the side. 

They look over to Harry and Niall looking through the bags. They seem to take their time, what kind of 'hurry up' don't they get? They finally zip the bags closed and stand up straight nodding to us. 

"It's all there." Harry states. 

The bald guy claps his hand together and looks to all of us. Harry and Niall slowly start to walk to the other side of them so they're standing behind the other two guys. I see them getting ready to pull their guns out. 

"Okay, so are we done here?" The bald guy asks. 

"Yeah right." I chuckle, seeing Niall and Harry pulling out their guns, aiming them towards the guys backs. 

The guys faces fall quickly before they turn around to meet Harry and Niall holding their guns. Quickly they turn back to me and Liam. I see the panic washing over their faces, it's almost pleasurable the way their eyes widen as they look at us. 

"What is going on here?" The mullet asks.

"So, here's the thing," I say, taking a few slow steps towards them, "We know your working for Harvey... so here's what's gonna happen." I nod, walking around a little in front of them as I keep my hands in my pockets. "You tell me who he is, where to find him and anything else we might need to know about the guy, then we'll let you go. If you... however, decide to keep your mouths shut then you better start praying." 

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