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HEY HEY HEY!! I have a trailer to prepare you for the coming US chapters, enjoy! *evil laughter*

Also cause I like making them lol

I have to say, I didn't believe people when they said jet-lag was the worst... but after the twelve hour flight to St. Louis I must say I regret not believing them. I felt quite awful as I got off.

The two week break felt well deserved. I did some school work, took some exams I had to get done at school. The school work took about a week, then I had a break and got really bored. I tried re-organizing my room, I tried drawing, I tried to strum a little on my dads guitar but none of it really worked out.

Mum's day of death passed during the two week break. It was hard to think it was exactly three years since my favorite person left me. I didn't leave my bed that day. Dad got me flowers and said he left some at her grave as well. I wanted to go there, but I simply couldn't.

Four days before the continuing of the tour, I found myself in front of my laptop researching BPD. Louis probably wouldn't like it, but it's probably easier to handle someone with BPD if you know more about it. If I know what triggers it, what can help and how to deal with someone with it I can easier get through this tour whole-skinned.

I found some good facts and tricks that I will try if I need it. I don't think he sees me as something negative anymore. He talked to me about his childhood, either to gain some understanding after I found out about the BPD, or because he actually wanted to tell me. Maybe he knows I've been going through the same thing with my mum and therefor knew I would understand, or know that I'm not the only one dealing with loss.

After he left me by the hotel door I had this warm feeling in my body. For once he didn't leave me in fear or worry. I didn't feel hated or threatened by him. I saw a tiny glimpse of a soft Louis behind that shell of his. I went back upstairs and fell right asleep. I felt like my biggest worry was solved.

I don't know how this two week break have affected anything. He might regret telling me that, which can cause this to be very awkward. I didn't catch him at the airport, he was already on his plane with the other boys so I just boarded the plane I was supposed to be on. Sophie was already there cuddled up in one of the arm chairs.

I missed Sophie so much.

When I boarded she shot up to give me a big hug. She told me how she was super happy to see me. She asked me how I spent my break and sadly I didn't have too much to tell her about it. She told me how she went home to visit her brother and parents, they did a lot of fun things together.

We took off and I feel asleep quite quickly. I didn't manage to sleep for twelve hours though so when I woke up I talked to Sophie. She showed me some cameras she brought. Some were quite easy and she taught me how to use them to get good quality. I got offered to use them whenever I feel like it. I just have to ask and she'll hand me one. She has like seven different cameras with her, but she only uses one for the stage photos.

She showed me some of the photos she took that's not of the boys. She's really good at making the most basic moments in a day look fun. It's like she manipulates reality with her pictures, making people look better and more fun than they really are.

My butt hurt by the time we landed. I stood up multiple times during the flight to rest it but it didn't really help. Also, the food on the plane was super dry, I couldn't wait to land and get a good meal.

Me and Sophie stepped out in St. Louis and it was sunny, making it quite hot in comparison to what we left in England. My white hoodie and black tights almost seemed to hot. I'm used to way colder weather than this.

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