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The show was amazing. Even though the music they're playing isn't really my cup of tea, they're stage presence was very good. They all took a turn to talk to the crowd, they sang some covers along with their own songs and they really put up a show up there. 

I stood next to Sophie while she took the pictures. I didn't wanna stand alone by the front of the stage, so I just went where she went. I really hope she didn't find me annoying. 

She started taking some pictures at Harry at the front, then she moved on to Niall, who spotted the camera and really gave some good shots for Sophie. He looked into the camera and made some cool pose for her. Niall really is living life of the party with his sunshine energy. 

We moved over to Louis' side of the side. He saw us but didn't really acknowledge the camera. He kept his eyes on his bass. His fingers played the strings so effortlessly. It looked kinda cool. Sophie took some more pictures before she stopped for a while to watch the show. 

We looked at the performance from the side of the stage Louis was on. Liam at the back of the stage by the drums looked really focused and he was really sweating. Niall looked like he was playing around, at one point he walked up to Harry and they started singing together through the same mic. Aw, besties!

Louis on the other hand seemed really over it. He did his thing, and that was kinda it, Niall went over to him as well and Louis laughed along with Niall for a while but then he was back to the playing. I was admiring him playing, since he seemed to do it like it was nothing, even though it probably was harder than you'd expect. 

I watched his fingers play the strings one by one in so much speed. I look up to look at his unbothered expression again, but instead I meet a pair of cold blue eyes. He wasn't focusing on the playing anymore, he was looking at me. He stared me down from where he was standing on the stage. He didn't look mad, or happy. He didn't seem to have a face expression at all... he just looked at me, and I couldn't bring myself to look away.

The song came to an end and the blue eyes disappeared from my sight as he bent down to pick up a water bottle. Niall started speaking to get the crowd going for their next song. 

"I'm gonna go take some pics of Liam from the side of the stage, if you wanna come" Sophie says. I nod and follow her to the stairs out of the pit, into a dark hallway going behind the stage. There were cords all over the floor I needed to stop myself from tripping over. I could still hear the screams of the fans, and the band starting their next song. 

We got up on the side of the stage, between the curtains so we weren't visible from the pit. Liam was way more visible from here, so Sophie could take her pictures much better. She also took some pictures of the fans from here, which also looked cool. You could see screaming people by the barrier in the pit, but then mostly just hands and flashlights. You could see flashlights from the chairs too. Knowing it was thousands of people in here made it feel so surreal. 

Eventually the show came to an end. The band made their way of the stage, as me and Sophie went back-stage as well to get our stuff before heading back to the hotel. As we made our way down the hallway to the dressing room we were in before I saw a security guard walking with two clearly excited girls. They followed the guard up to the room they boys were in. They probably won a VIP-ticket backstage or something. 

They opened the door and I could hear Niall greeting them with "Hello there, babe" while he probably winked and grinned. Seemed like a Niall thing to do. As we passed the door I quickly looked into the room, Louis was sitting in his spot, with a cigarette in hand. I met his eyes for a quick second, he smirked a little as he took the cigarette up to his mouth, before the closing door broke our eye contact. I almost shivered, his look was really intense. 

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