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My eyes shot open to the sound of my phone signal going off next to me. I feel it vibrating in my pocket, causing my newly awake state to wonder why the hell I was in jeans. I blinked a few times, waking myself up. That's when I notice the heavy object on my stomach. Looking down I notice that object just so happens to be Louis's head. 

He starts to move slightly from the ringing coming from my phone in the pocket pretty close to his head. I start to shift where I'm half laying half sitting up to get to my phone. Louis eventually wakes up and moves from my stomach to the pillow next to me before rolling over like nothing happened. 

The phone stops ringing right as I get it out of my pocket. I see it was Sophie calling me. I sigh as I realize I'm probably in deep shit after accidentally staying a third night away from my own room. All three of those nights being in Louis's room is not making it any better. 

Five quick and loud noises were heard on the door, making me sit up in bed. Louis rolled so he was on his back looking up to the ceiling before taking a deep breath and sitting up on the bed. 

"Louis!" Harry yells on the other side of the door. 

Oh no not again.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Louis yells without leaving the bed. 

"What do you mean? for you to get on the bus we're leaving in like seven minutes!" Harry says through the door. 

My stomach sinks. Seven minutes? My phone starts ringing again, I quickly turn the sound off and see it's Sophie calling again, probably for the same reason as Harry being here. I look over to Louis who looks unbothered but sits up on the bed. 

"I'll be down" Louis replies as he stands up from the bed. Both of us were still fully dressed in yesterdays clothes. 

"Oh, and have you seen Avery? Sophie says she can't find her and she's not answering her phone" Harry adds.

Louis looks over his shoulder to me with a little smirk. I shake my head, telling him to not say anything what so ever. Louis chuckles before turning back around so I can't see his face anymore. 

"No, haven't seen her since we were at the venue" Louis says. 

"That's the thing, so have Sophie, they didn't hang out yesterday and she didn't even hear from her, none of us has" Harry explains, sounding more serious than before. 

He looks back at me over his shoulder with big eyes and raised eyebrows as he doesn't really know what to say without the situation getting worse. If he says he has seen me then that would be suspicious and if he told me he hasn't, Sophie would probably send out a search party for me including my dad. 

I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and open it to send a text to Sophie to clear this. My head was working hard for a lie that would work to get me off the hook while I at the same time gestured for Louis to keep lying to get Harry away from here. I need to get out of here unseen to get my stuff and be down by the lobby withing six minutes. 

"Uh... she's probably fine... on a second thought I think I saw her studying at this Café in town yesterday" Louis says, shrugging my way like it was the best lie he could've thought of. 

"Do I check where her phone is to make sure she isn't..." Harry says but doesn't finish his sentence. I turn my head to look at Louis again with a questioning face. Make sure I'm not what?

"No!" Louis nearly yells. 

"Real smooth" I whisper as he gives me a glare. 

"I mean... she'll probably be down in a few, give her until departure at least" Louis says. "Now get the fuck away from here so I can focus and get down there myself" 

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