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Next stop is Chicago. The eight hour bus ride I spent hiding in one of the boys' bunks. Harry and Niall slept some when we got on but Liam and Sophie were up with Louis. Sophie and Liam was only up so that I could sleep in their bunk. Louis chose to stay with them. Though I don't know if I was in Louis or Liams.

We got to our hotel and I didn't speak to anyone other than Sophie. After my nightmare and the meeting with Louis in the hallway I, of course, couldn't go back to sleep so I pretended to sleep until I was sure Sophie was.

She had asked me about it when we got inside. She asked if it happened a lot or if I have any dreams causing me to do it. I told her it was probably because I was homesick and caused some stress and disturbed my sleep. It wasn't fully a lie though. I think there is actually some truth to it and being away is so new to me still.

Another factor is because of everything happening around me. I am sure that's a big part to why I'm sleeping so horribly.

She also asked what we were talking about. It must've looked weird seeing me in pajamas in the hallway, arguing with Louis at four in the morning. I wish that Louis could just stay out of my business. He knows too much about me already. No one knows about my dad except for him, and I hate it. If I could go back and just erase what happened when he found out, I would. I would do it in a heartbeat.

I don't understand why he can't just leave me be. He is already forcing me to be around them, can't that be enough. He keeps bothering me. Why can't he make up his damn mind?

Because he has Borderline, that's why.

I kept to myself though. I don't think they bought that I slept the entire ride, but I don't care that much. I just didn't speak to them at all as we got off the bus or when we got our cards or when we were in the lift. I told them I'd see them for soundcheck but that was about it.

Is Louis going to get mad at me soon? probably. He'll knock on my door and burst in here with his aggressive look on his face. He will start yelling about me not doing as told. He will yell at me for not taking their shit.

I'm waiting for it.

While waiting for him to show up I laid down on my bed. I was on my phone, scrolling through every social media I had. Nothing interesting was on it, I wasn't interested in finding anything either though.

It took about forty minutes before he was knocking on my door. When he did I stayed put on my bed. I kept looking at my phone as he knocked a second and a third time.

"Avery! I know you're there you have no where else to be!" he yells. I don't respond. I stay where I am. He knocks one more time. "Make it easy for us, you know I can get in either way, stop being a bitch!"

I still don't reply and I stay where I am, unbothered by his angry tone and his hard knocking. I keep looking at my phone, even though I don't care what is on my screen. I heard him do something with the door before it flew open to close again with a bang. A second later Louis was walking into the room, standing in front of my laying on the bed. I kept my eyes to the screen.

"You know when the door is closed and the person doesn't open it, they don't want to see you" I say with a monotone voice.

"I don't fucking give a shit, when I knock you open the door!" he yells "We need to talk"

"We always need to talk according to you" I say, putting my phone face down on my chest so I look at him at the end of the bed.

"How many times have I told you to act normal?" he asks.

"Too many, and I am" I say.

"No, you're not! You're acting like a fucking brat, giving us attitude and Sophie asked me what I did to make you so mad so obviously you don't understand what acting normal is!" he yells while gesturing all over the place.

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