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2001 - Eastbourne, England

"There you are, I lost you there for a second!" He says loudly to be heard over the music. She turned to him and her eyes began to smile the way they always did when she looked at him and he loved it.

Her lips began to smile too as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the circle of friends that were talking and laughing eagerly. He moved his hand to her hip and held it there, rubbing circles with his thumb over the black dress she was wearing. The material was so soft and it fit her skin so well, showed her beautiful legs and just enough cleavage for him to be able to look down without her noticing. It was so unusual for her to wear something so revealing and when he had pointed it out she said something about the occasion being right as she kept a little smirk on her face.

They were out celebrating her 21st birthday, but he couldn't seem to hope that maybe it was time. Maybe she had changed her mind now that she is 21, that she feels like she is grown and can make decisions based of what she feels is wrong or right. He was hoping.

Her brown hair was curled and swung over her shoulders, the curls lightly bouncing when she nodded her head as she listened to people around her. He was pretty wasted, he had been drinking since they got there and he felt like his mind was a bit foggy. She noticed and laughed a little at him and he knew that she was completely sober still. She hadn't been drinking a drop all night, which was something he could never understand. Twenty-one years of age around other people there to celebrate her while drinking their heads off and she never felt the need to try it herself.

She thought it was unnecessary to put her body through something like that. She saw how everyone else felt the day after a whole night of drinking and she saw what side effects it had. Her friends had stories about how they woke up in the morning, no idea where they were or how they got there. They would throw up, they would stumble and fall, they would do things they regretted in the morning. She woke up feeling fine every morning and she never forgot something she had done the morning before. She could think straight and take care of herself, she was always in control and she loved it.

When they went out or went to parties she would still always have something to do. She would have a great time while watching everyone try to do things while drunk. She could laugh at everyone else and everyone were a lot more talkative when they were drunk anyway. She find it both amusing and funny so she never had a problem with being sober. She could always drive home and it was over all safer.

Her boyfriend and her met at a party so she's always known that he liked to consume alcohol at parties and she wasn't going to change that. Her life choices were never going to be in the way of someone else who chose to live it differently, but she also had such a strong will so that she wouldn't let herself be pressured into something she wouldn't do. She had never been too shy or too careful. Her parents had raised her to speak her mind and always voice her opinion, if it's a good one, if the opinion might hurt someone then it's better to keep it to yourself. You can have an opinion without voicing it. Voice the ones that matter.

Earlier they had been out to dinner with her parents and her sister. She was a little worried about her younger sister and the way she had begun to act. She was fifteen at the time and she was already getting into trouble. The police took her home a few nights ago because she had been caught vandalizing some place. She's really getting behind in school and keeps skipping classes. Her parents had brought it up at dinner that her sister had been sneaking around with boys and that they were doing things she wasn't supposed to do. When they made a comment about not knowing what to say when their friends ask about the sister they don't know what to say anymore because they'd be too embarrassed to tell the truth, the dinner had moved into an argument instead.

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