Nightmare in My Dreams

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"I know..but still.." You trailed on, unsure why you were so...demanding to Gray. After a moment's thought, you stood up, and leaned against his back.

"Sorry." You mutter as you feel the warmth of his skin, touching your clothes. "I didn't mean to nag you like a mother."

You felt his back vibrate as he chuckled. "It's okay. Don't be such a child."

"Hey! I'm only a few months younger than you!" You snapped out of your sorrowful moment, and went back to chatting with Gray.


You curl your body into a ball as you snuggle deeper into the warm bed covers. You really didn't know why you shared a bed with Natsu.

'Wait. Isn't this something wedded couples are supposed to do?!'

You felt like your cheeks were burning stoves as you thought about weddings. 'Oh, I had a nice dream about it once. But that was with Lucas. When he was still...around.'

Your heart could keep shattering and mending itself. But the pain when Lucas was mentioned...never quite seemed to go away. Even when you were with Natsu.

You thought back to a conversation you had with Lucas. When you were just a little 10-year old.

•••(Flashback brought to you by Natsu-who's-being-stupid)•••

A girl and a boy lay in a meadow, tumbling around in the dirt, loving the outside breeze. The butterflies were out, and crickets were chirping like crazy.

The girl, who had dark hair and a very light complexion, wore a big straw hat to keep her from being sunburned. The little boy was smiling dearly at her, an expression full of pure adore and love.

"Lucas?" You asked, one day while you were playing around with him in the fields. You were touching his soft sun-kissed hair, as his large, curious, and bright blue-green eyes wandered over the fields.

Flickering just like lights. "Hmm?" He hummed, as you raked your hands through his soft, wispy hair. "If I ever got married, I would only choose you." You ask, quietly.

The boy's eyes widened as he turned his head to look at you. "I know, (Y/N)." He grinned. "There's no one in the world that understands me more."

You grin. "Wait, is that a promise?" Lucas turned to you, his eyes sparkling in the setting sun's light. "Here. It's a promise." He handed you a necklace he always wore around his neck.

You happily accept the necklace and kiss his cheek. "Thanks, Lucas. You're truly a gentleman." From being inside so much, your vocab was still a bit...strange to him. But nevertheless..

He cheekily grinned. "Sure." By now, the sun was beginning to set, and you grew alarmed. "Lucas! I have to go now." You straightened up, and was about to shoot off, when Lucas clutched your arm.

"Wait! Please don't leave yet. You always leave so early!" He begged, his eyes big. Torn between Lucas and home, you reluctantly plop back down.

"I guess I can stay for a few more minutes."

But what a mistake that was.

You rushed home, the wildflowers tearing at your dress and ankles. But you didn't care. As long as you showed up home, as long as they saw you..

Everything would be okay.

"(Y/N)?! What are you doing out here, you rotten child!" Your father's eyes immediately spotted you as you flitted back and forth in the room, trying to make them notice you were home.

"You didn't sneak out...did you?" Your mother's scary voice made you stiffen. You immediately knew you gave it away.

"I didn-"

You immediately felt your mother's presence in the room. You turned around, and in her hand, she held Lucas's arm.

Your eyes widen. "What are yo-"

You felt like crying in despair. You blinked, confused. "Mother, please let the child go. No, I have never seen him before in my life."

"Oh, is that so? Then you won't mind if I do this, right?" She innocently held up a finger, and a mini tornado began to turn at 12-year-old's feet.

You watched in horror, as you knew the sharp winds were truly blades. Pushing him away, you stood to your mother. "No!" Your voice rang out as your mother smiled.

"What's going on..?" Lucas's hand clasped yours as he pulled himself up. "(Y/N)!" He pushed you away, just as your mother grinned and sliced the air where you just were standing.

But now, Lucas was there.

Within a quick second, he fell to the ground, un-moving. "Lucas!" You cried his name, as you squeezed his cheeks, willing him to open his eyes.

He groaned. "You mother is insane."

"No kidding..Now is not the time to joke!" You cry in dismay as he coughs. "Well this is certainly a dramatic death." He smiled, and took your hand. Placing a kiss upon it, he croaked...

"I'll never forget you, princess. So don't forget me. Okay?"

With a loud gasp, you opened your eyes. Feeling the dark surroundings around you, soon realizing it was all just a nightmare.

Looking next to you, you see Natsu's sleeping face. He moved in his sleep, muttering about natto and rice. Typical.

Your hair was drenched in sweat. And as soon as you realized, you stepped out of the blazing hot bed, embracing the cold air.

After you stepped out of the cold, refreshing shower, you quickly changed into a new pair of clothing.

"I guess I just broke a promise, huh?" You whisper to yourself, as you look out at the stars, shining bright.

"Hey, there's Aries. Your zodiac, Lucas.." You bitterly smile as you make out Aries's shape in the stars.

Hand to your neck, you held out the necklace with the single, bright blue sapphire. His favorite color. 'I still have it, Lucas. But now what?'

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