Yelena was luckily still in a grabby mood, and she latched onto Natasha's neck. Natasha sighed deeply, knowing what she needed to do and wondering if she was strong enough to do it.

She very carefully reached her arms underneath her sister's legs and used all of her strength to lift the girl up into her arms. Somehow she managed it, and Yelena just slumped comfortably against her, resting her head against Natasha's shoulder.

Natasha repositioned her hold a bit, trying to get a better grip on her before heading toward her own bedroom.

It was something that Natasha had not done in years, and she could not deny that it was nice to just hold Yelena tightly in her arms like this, supporting the most special person in the world's weight in her arms despite how it made Natasha's joints ache a bit. Of course, any sacrifice would be worth it if she got to hold Yelena.

Natasha carried her down the hall, her muscles screaming but her mind at ease and as happy as could be with the current arrangement.

Once they entered Natasha's room, she carefully shut the door behind her with her foot, Yelena softly snoring. Natasha then headed over to the bed, lowering Yelena's sleeping form on the bed.

She quickly realized that Yelena was not going to let go of her easily, and she was currently trapped on top of her little sister. Natasha chuckled a little in spite of herself, pressing her forehead against Yelena's shoulder for a moment before lifting her head again and trying to get Yelena to let go of her.

"C'mon, you've got to let me go. I've got to go get some sleepclothes for us," Natasha informed her, hoping that somewhere in the midst of Yelena's current state that she would register her words. Unfortunately, she did not, and she only wrapped herself around Natasha more tightly.

Natasha groaned, the whole thing some mix of extremely humorous and pretty irritating. Natasha rolled her eyes, pulling with every bit of strength she had in an effort to break free. She finally managed to pull her body out of Yelena's grip, and she breathed deeply, already just a little out of breath from having to lug Yelena's dead weight into the room.

She headed over to her own dresser, withdrawing one of her black tank tops and a pair of black leggings. Once she changed her clothes, she headed into Yelena's room to search through her dresser and try to find a pair of shorts for the younger woman since she knew she best loved sleeping in shorts.

Natasha sighed deeply with something akin to aggravation as she noted how absolutely destroyed that her sister's clothes drawer was. She was really going to have to make Yelena clean out the thing. It was starting to get downright ridiculous with the hodge-podge of clothing swirled throughout the small area.

She finally managed to find some shorts, and she headed back to her room. She headed back over to Yelena, the younger girl lying in the same place as she had been when Natasha left her. Natasha decided that she would try to get her to wake up so she could change her own clothes.

"Yelena, wake up. You need to put your clothes on. C'mon," Natasha insistently urged, grabbing her shoulder and shaking it a little as she tried to pull her sister back to consciousness. Yelena remained unresponsive, just quietly and happily sleeping. Natasha looked at her face for a long moment, enjoying the uncharacteristic serenity on her face. It was such a sense of peace, and it made Natasha's heart squeeze with adoration as the girl before her slept so softly and sweetly.

The redhead could not resist leaning forward and kissing the bridge of Yelena's nose softly before straightening and deciding that she was going to have to just change Yelena's clothes for her. Natasha carefully pulled off the blonde's socks and then went for the infamous cargo pants. Once they were lying in the floor next to the socks, Natasha grabbed the shorts and started trying to slide Yelena's legs through the holes. However, just as she was starting this endeavor, Yelena moved her leg so that her foot kicked dangerously close to Natasha's face.

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