Chapter 22 - Final Countdown

Start from the beginning

"I mean...I mean you look super hot!" Oh fuck! I wasn't meant to say that! It was meant to come out sexier than 'super hot'. I felt a blush creep into my cheeks and I looked down at the ground in embarrasement. Why was I such a dork? I felt a hand slip around my chin and lift my face up so I was looking directly at Jack.

"Well, you look super hot too." His smile was wide and his eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky. We stood there like that for a long moment getting lost in eachothers eyes. That sounds so tacky. The moment was ruined.

"You going to make us wait all day? Kiss her already you bloody wanker!" My Nana said from behind us. I had forgotten everybody else was in the room untill that moment. I stepped back hurriedly and turned to glare at my Nana. Jack looked shocked but amused.

"NANA!" I groaned. Everybody burst into loud laughter and I couldn't help but smile awkwardly at Jack. It was a weird and awkward predicament we had both just gotten ourselves into and we could both feel eachothers awkwardness. No doubt everybody is going to grill me about 'what was going on' between Jack and I, but I don't even know whats happening between us. 

"I just came to drop off this letter to the bride from the groom and to make sure she wasn't going to do a runner." He announced as everybody started to calm down. He pulled a letter from his jacket pocket and handed it to Caz. "And with that, I bid you farewell. I will see you beautiful ladies at the church." He looked at me and winked before turning and smiling to everyone else in the room. Then he walked out of the front door and closed it quietly. God he was sexy!

"What does it say!" Mum said as she pulled Caz down to the couch. We all gathered around and listened intently as Caz began to read the letter Daniel wrote for her. 

"To my beautiful bride, Carol Oliva Henderson. I woke up early today bursting with excitement as it is our wedding day. I have unknowingly waited my entire life for this moment and now that it is almost here, I simply don't want to wait another second. I remember the day I first laid eyes on you. You walked into the pub and the whole world stopped spinning and I couldn't look away from your beautiful face. I am so thankful that you looked my way and chose me. I cannot get over the fact that you chose me. Me. If the place falls down, it rains, the food is terrible, the flowers aren't right, no matter what, it will be magical because it means that we will be together at last as man and wife. We will finally get to start our lives together and enjoy every experience, hold one another through every pain and ultimately just be with one another forever. I never thought or knew I could love someone as much as I love you. These feelings are real and I find myself knowing that I am so luckly to have found them, with you. For the first time ever in my life I have a purpose. You have given meaning to my existence. That may sound strange but it's true. You have made things worthwhile. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and I want this day to be perfect especially for you. It has always been my way to try not to give into cheesiness but this time I'll make an exception. After all, I am marrying the most special woman in the world and that entitles me to give into my emotions. Hold on tight to this letter because I cannot promise you many letters but I promise you my love, devotion, fidelity, and protection. I love you, future Mrs. Cooper. See you soon. Lots of Aroha, your future Husband - Danny'" Caz sobbed out the last words and I had to excuse myself. I was so close to tears that I pinched myself in order to not ruin my makeup. Stuff Daniel and his cute words and shit. I need to get my shit together. After taking a 5 minute timeout to compose myself, I was ready to get Caz down the isle. 

"Okay, enough tears of joy. Lets fix your makeup and get you in your wedding dress. With have 20 minutes people! Lets do it!" In an instant everybody was up and running about, doing final touch ups, fixing their hair and makeup. Mum and Nana were ready and looked stunning. Caz and everybody else were upstairs getting her into her wedding dress and I went to answer the door. 

"Dad, you look nice." I said politely. We still hadn't talked yet and I didn't know what was happening between us. He reached his arms out and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Cameron! You look stunning." I was taken aback. He released me quickly when I didn't respond. I smiled at him simply while standing in shock. Wow. Did Dad just hug me? I was interupted by a rumbling coming down the stairs. I turned and saw Caz gliding down the stairs. She looked so beautiful and elegant. This is really happening, Caz is getting married. 

10 minutes later we had arrived at church and the bridesmaids and I were lined up ready to enter. I turned around and looked at Caz who smiled at me nervously. 

"Cameron, I'm getting Married!" She said with a shaky voice, nervousness seeping through each word as she grabbed onto my hand desperately.

"I know! You look absolutely beautiful and you have the most amazing man waiting for you at the end of that isle. You can do it. I love you!" I kissed her forehead lightly and smiled brightly. Finally it was my turn. 

I felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness and finally it was game time.

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